

日本を取り巻くアジア情勢の変化 世界の情報を辛口で伝える情報部ログ 世の中はめまぐるしくかわっていきます その中で取り残されない為の情報をお伝えします Changing Asian situation surrounding Japan Tell the world information by information Department log The world is rapidly mood In order not to lag behind in its informed the <a href="https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" rel="nofollow">なんでもまとめてお売りください!宅配買取「いーあきんど」</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www19.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" alt="">


The biggest broadcasting station in USA will report comfort woman's fabrication simultaneously at last.
It isn't possible to protect a lie any more!



As I make noise, the world pays attention to a villainy in the Korean past more.

Villainy of Korean Army in Vietnam where this article was here really to a fabrication article to Japan

Even an old woman of the private citizen's young child who is also innocent-an adult rapes, and it's cruel for silencing, how to kill was done.

To hide that, the end money after fabricating and concealing the Japanese comfort woman who doesn't also have that, is even requested.

It's being still requested of Japan.

He says that 200,000 people forced it, but you shouldn't need to be able, but no children are made that.

Korea where zangyaku was done in Vietnam?

30,000 mestizos exist from thousands of people, please.

There even is a cenotaph in Vietnam, but even that.

Korea isn't admitted.
The article which reported the non-governmental organization to rescue a victim in the United Kingdom to have been established.


、現地女性を性的暴行するなどして「ライダイハンRye die Hann」と呼ばれる混血児が生まれた問題を取り上げていたThe problem that a mestizo was born was taken up.。岡部伸ロンドン特派員が、英国に犠牲者を救うための民間団体が設立されたことを報じた記事である。





