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China's extraordinary popular critics warning as early as this year the bubble burst?

I am naturalized in Japan … Proposal in hope of true Japan and China friendship
Lecture "Chinese truth and future whereabouts" of flat (cough, wall) Mr. stone of the Chinese problem commentator were opened at the Kanbe chamber of commerce (Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi) on 11th, and stone Heike clan gave a lecture on the Chinese unstable situation to 150 participants.
Mr. stone comments on there being China in the middle of an abnormal housing bubble at the present. Approximately 60 million houses remained unsold while the well off for land and the house increased because the poor spread and pointed out, "I cut it and couldn't but sell and was in danger of the bubble burst in the next year from this year at the earliest".
Give the present conditions that a demonstration and riots occur successively in the country; "the acquaintance with China is not avoided, but is at big risk". Japan appealed to build ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and the good relations that work force could anticipate the growth cheaply.中国の不動産バブル崩壊などに警鐘を鳴らした石平氏=神戸市中央区
Rang the alarm bells in China's real estate bubble burst, including ishidaira Mr = Kobe-shi Chuo-ku
