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Korea, events by staff suicides or audience in mind, danger recognition


Accident scene = 17, falling down in the outdoor concert space underground car park air vents lid (front), but audiences fell near Seoul (Yonhap = contributor).

 [Seoul jointly] found out that and note that accident killed 16 people fell from the spectators falling down lid ventilation openings in the underground parking lot at the outdoor concert venues located in Seongnam near Seoul, Korea, was riding on the lid and down lid from audiences in performances before the event organizers, was aware of the dangers. Korea media reported 18 days.

 Affiliated organization was responsible for the events on the other hand, according to the local Gyeonggi road of male staff (37) body was found on the streets the morning 18,. You could on the 17th night questioning by police, committed suicide by jumping from a building near the.

 Says lid ventilation openings around, more than about 1 m, is performing better.


