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On July 28, 2010, according to the Hong Kong English letter paper south China morning coat post, it is said that unpleasant average feelings open to the Vietnam nation by the increase of a Chinese man visiting Vietnam in a search for bride purpose. A ring ball net conveyed it on 31st.
According to the article, lack of bride chronic unequally of the sex ratio in the population continues in China. Furthermore, a woman side comes to require a house or a privately-owned car as a condition of the marriage these days, and it is said that the men who cannot marry continue increasing. When Chinese men marrying the Vietnamese woman who "does not cost the money as the solution quietly" increase, I point out the article. The man of the Nanjing city which became 42 years old married a local person woman this year when I traveled in Vietnam in last September. It is said that I am with a bride in China, and this man who returned recommended the marriage with the Vietnamese woman to several hundred other Chinese men until now.
However, one day it is said that I step into the hotel, and the hometown Police that doubted that a lot of young women went in and out of the hotel where the marriage meeting trip group which the man leads stays at day after day arrested all the Chinese hotel guests for the sexual intercourse for money charge. In Vietnam, the negative news to be related to the marriage of such a Chinese man and the Vietnamese woman is drained day after day and has a big influence on the friendly relationship of the two countries. When a certain Chinese traveler took a taxi, "China could always suffer why in Vietnam, and, as for the driver, China took many things away from Vietnam". It is said that I spitted it out with a woman this time
