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Normandy landing: Allied forces even French women assaulted. Hashimoto Mayor speech

15 days, streets of Osaka city in Osaka Toru Hashimoto (Japan restoration of joint representative), about the Normandy landings in World War II allied forces such as the United States deployed on the coast of Northwest France under Nazi Germany occupation, see, made the women of France Allied troops landed in Normandy. This accumulated built a comfort facility and not something. It's a fact of history. Shouldn't be doing again, it's unfortunate past "and said.
tooru hasimoto Osaka Mayor

Said in the appeal of facilities learn the modern history of Osaka, aiming for 2016 during installation. In addition to Hashimoto expanded theory 'produce Japanese Westerners say "Japanese had sex slave', but"we're bad, but bad guys' talk back'



Bon début d'Asie de conquête du monde. "Îles Paracels au cours de la chasse de prêt esclave commence

According to the Chinese State-run Xinhua Chinese Government began elementary school construction in yongxing Island, largest island of Paracel (China and Paracel) Islands 14,. Viet Nam to claim sovereignty over the Islands, aimed at strengthening the effective control and looks intense stinging.
 Was not elementary school is a kindergarten to the yongxing island for that attends the Island school children from parents. Recently, total about 36 million will be RMB (600 million yen), to build a school and related facilities. (Joint)

Volgens de Chinese staat gerunde Xinhua Chinese regering begonnen met de bouw van de basisschool in yongxing eiland, grootste eiland van Paracel (China en Paracel) eilanden 14. Viet Nam om te eisen van soevereiniteit over de eilanden, gericht op versterking van een doeltreffende controle en ziet er intens stekende.
 Was niet basisschool is een kleuterschool naar het eiland yongxing voor die woont de eiland schoolkinderen van ouders. Onlangs, zal in totaal ongeveer 36 miljoen RMB (600 miljoen yen), om te bouwen van een school en bijbehorende faciliteiten zijn. (Joint)

 Согласно правительство Китая Синьхуа китайского государственных начал строительство начальной школы в yongxing остров, крупнейшие острова Парасельские острова (Китай и Парасельскими) 14. Вьетнам требовать суверенитета над островами, направленных на укрепление эффективного контроля и выглядит интенсивного жжения.

 Не был, что начальная школа, детский сад на yongxing остров для этого посещает остров школа детей от родителей. Недавно всего около 36 миллионов будет юаней (600 млн. иен), чтобы построить школу и связанные с ними объекты. (Совместная)

Secondo il governo cinese di statale cinese Xinhua iniziò la costruzione della scuola elementare nell'isola di yongxing, più grande isola delle Paracel (Cina e Paracel) isole 14. Viet Nam per rivendicare la sovranità sulle isole, volte a rafforzare il controllo efficace e sembra intenso bruciore.
 Non era la scuola elementare è un asilo per l'isola di yongxing per che frequenta l'isola scuola bambini dai genitori. Recentemente, totale circa 36 milioni sarà RMB (600 milioni di yen), per costruire una scuola e servizi correlati. (Joint)

Selon le gouvernement chinois de Xinhua chinois étatiques a commencé la construction d'école élémentaire dans l'île yongxing, plus grandes îles de l'île des Paracels (Chine et Paracels) 14. Viet Nam à revendiquer la souveraineté sur les îles, visant à renforcer le contrôle effectif et ressemble à une sensation de brûlure intense.
 N'était-ce pas elementary school est une école maternelle à l'île yongxing pour qui fréquente les écoliers de l'île de parents. Récemment, environ 36 millions au total seront RMB (600 millions d'yens), pour construire une école et des installations connexes. (En collaboration)




 【麻生太郎財務相 6月13日の閣議後記者会見】


 日本の家庭に「タンス預金」などで膨大なお金が眠っている現状にこう強い口調で疑問を呈した。 その上で「日本だけどうしてこうなったのか」と自らに問うように話し「株が信用されなかった、信託会社が信用されなかったということだろ。信用されないような行動だったんだ」と分析してみせた。



 【東京電力の広瀬直己社長 6月13日の記者会見】








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China APEC held in air pollution improvement too eager voice of Beijing Olympics

Has taken measures such as regulating automobile traffic, or relocated factories in China produce pollutants such as soot 8/2008 Beijing Olympics even after the Olympics to worsens pollution than before, such as comes up criticism and measures temporary and ad hoc basis, and that the Beijing Olympic Games and the same again going.

 APEC leaders ' meeting is scheduled on 11 January, destined to be held in Goose marine Lake area in the Beijing suburb of Huairou scenic tourist resort location.

 For it in 21 countries and regions, such as Japan-U.S. Summit on APEC, which is at the Presidency this year of China's top leaders, National President, XI Jinping, to proclaim dream China and Chinese nation great everyday, just to flaunt their political skills and leadership shape large stage. I'm not allowed even a little mistake, it.

 Inter alia, foreigners visiting Beijing in an unpopular serious air pollution in the PM2.5( fine particle matter of existence. If will even harm the health and PM2.5 in the Summit of the Asia-Pacific region, the notorious pollution in the Chinese again thundering around the world.

 Because, according to the newspaper President XI Jinping 'environmental pollution under orders that"executives in charge of environmental issues in Beijing, attracted Huairou Mayor or factories or companies responsible," and prohibited future, including barbecue, not even a firecracker. Factory smoke, not to maintain that smoke detector ", such as for put out a detailed instructions.

 Said notice to stop the operation to the APEC leaders ' meeting is made in the factories, and Chinese Government's industrial zone of Hebei province next to Beijing has become a source of air pollution in Beijing, in the primary iron and steel production base in Tangshan and Shijiazhuang, 11 months.

 On the net "is the same error of the Beijing Olympics. Must be after APEC, ever more air pollution becomes awful ', with conspicuously w


中国 APEC開催で大気汚染改善に躍起も北京五輪の二の舞の声








