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ロシア・モスクワ(Moscow)の裁判所に出廷した女性パンクバンド「プッシー・ライオット(Pussy Riot)」のメンバー、マリア・アリョーヒナ(Maria Alyokhina)さん(2012年10月10日撮影、資料写真)。(

ウラジーミル・プーチン(Vladimir Putin)大統領を批判する楽曲をロシア正教会の聖堂で演奏してフーリガン行為で有罪となり服役していた女性パンクバンド「プッシー・ライオット(Pussy Riot)」メンバーの1人、マリア・アリョーヒナ(Maria Alyokhina)さん(25)が23日、ロシア下院が先週可決した恩赦法に基づき釈放された。



 アリョーヒナさんと別のメンバー、ナジェージダ・トロコンニコワ(Nadezhda Tolokonnikova)さん(24)の2人は来年3月までの刑期で服役中だったが、ロシア下院は18日、政府が提出した現憲法承認から20周年を記念する恩赦法を可決し、同法は同日夜に施行された。
Member of woman punk band " (Pussy Riot)" which appeared in court of the court of Russia Moscow (Moscow), (Maria Alyokhina) (October 10, 2012 photography, document photograph). (
One of the woman punk band " (Pussy Riot)" member which I played a musical piece to criticize the Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin) President in a temple of Confucius of the Russian Orthodox Church and was found guilty for a hooligan act and served the sentence for,  Alyokhina(Maria Alyokhina) (25) were released based on the Act of Grace that the Russia Lower House approved last week on 23rd.
I announced, "(Japan time afternoon of the same day 2:00), she ( Alyokhinabecame the body of the freedom (23rd) today at 9:00 a.m., and the detective facilities authorities were released".
On the other hand, according to the place that a lawyer of Alyokhinarecited for communication (RIA) in Russia,  Alyokhinais considered to have left for the station of the train by vehicle of detective facilities after it was released. Because the black car thought to be the thing of the Manager of detective facilities with  Alyokhina hurries, and one of the reporters who waited for the release of  Alyokhinahas run off, I speak the opportunity of the interview that I was not provided.
Member who was different from  Alyokhina two people of (Nadezhda Tolokonnikova) (24) were serving the sentence in the prison term until next March, but I approved Act of Grace to memorialize the 20th anniversary, and, in the Russian Lower House, the law was enforced on the night of the same day by the existing constitution approval that the government submitted it to on 18th.
