

日本を取り巻くアジア情勢の変化 世界の情報を辛口で伝える情報部ログ 世の中はめまぐるしくかわっていきます その中で取り残されない為の情報をお伝えします Changing Asian situation surrounding Japan Tell the world information by information Department log The world is rapidly mood In order not to lag behind in its informed the <a href="https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" rel="nofollow">なんでもまとめてお売りください!宅配買取「いーあきんど」</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www19.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" alt="">




中国がくしゃみをすれば、韓国が風邪をひく」 韓国メディアが憂慮示す「高鉄外交」











The interesting Korean loyalty

Management consultants and differences in awareness for the company was talking with South Korean venture enterprises in acquaintance with company employees in Japan and Korea, their work became a hot topic.

This acquaintance is contact with Japan on the job, but says ' Koreans Japanese ' loyalty to the company are obviously less than'. Affirm the strong loyalty to the boss directly, rather than the company itself. In other words, tend to worry about boss have the right decide salaries than the company as a whole that assess their eye's.

Wondering that the entire company employees as managers, remained faithful to the Dean or Director, is important, but, I want working. Height of loyalty to a company in Japan from Korea management is ideal, it would lead to higher wages. A lot about moving to Korea to the traditionally high turnover and better conditions at work. Fled to the important forces learned to work is the bane of managers.

According to this acquaintance involved in the job search seminars, in terms of the students ' choosing the right company recently that trade unions have said. It's had a Union wage struggle to drive better it. In the Seoul city labor unions rally held on a daily basis somewhere in, crying or something. Is not also hopes this excitement and job seekers in the


The interesting Korean loyalty

Management consultants and differences in awareness for the company was talking with South Korean venture enterprises in acquaintance with company employees in Japan and Korea, their work became a hot topic.

This acquaintance is contact with Japan on the job, but says ' Koreans Japanese ' loyalty to the company are obviously less than'. Affirm the strong loyalty to the boss directly, rather than the company itself. In other words, tend to worry about boss have the right decide salaries than the company as a whole that assess their eye's.

Wondering that the entire company employees as managers, remained faithful to the Dean or Director, is important, but, I want working. Height of loyalty to a company in Japan from Korea management is ideal, it would lead to higher wages. A lot about moving to Korea to the traditionally high turnover and better conditions at work. Fled to the important forces learned to work is the bane of managers.

According to this acquaintance involved in the job search seminars, in terms of the students ' choosing the right company recently that trade unions have said. It's had a Union wage struggle to drive better it. In the Seoul city labor unions rally held on a daily basis somewhere in, crying or something. Is not also hopes this excitement and job seekers in the








Vindt de comfort vrouwen artikelen desinformatie, Asahi krant

Asahi Shimbun featured artikelen deze maand 22, toonde grote verkeerde informatie van de troostvrouwen press, geplaatst op beide data van 5、6 denk dat de kwestie vrouwen comfort in het Engels geplaatst op hun website. Volgende, grote valse excuses en Kimura Ito hoeveelheid ( TADAKAZU ) Voorzitter persconferentie wordt geopend of uiterlijk en aandacht.

Valideren van artikelen verschenen in Japan, in de krant uitgave van de ochtend en HP, ' krachten nam Japanse vrouwen in Cheju-eiland, Zuid-Korea ", getuigenis van de Yoshida Seiji, gepubliceerd in 1982, en later als een valse artikel werd geannuleerd. Ook vrouwen vrijwilligers korps en 'comfort vrouwen' is totaal verschillend, Asahi toegelaten misbruik.

Yoshida getuigenis wordt aangehaald als bewijs in Coomaraswamy verslag voorgelegd aan de Verenigde Naties (1996) en de resolutie van de Verenigde Staten Huis van afgevaardigden 121 (2007), Japan en Japanse heeft houden verlagen en ook bleef, echter, voor 32 jaar.

Daarom, voor Asahi, politici en intellectuelen ' Voorzitter Kimura persconferentie verontschuldiging en uitleg moet "bereiken dwell Asahi officiële aarzeling 'Asahi is Engels en Engels Frankrijk, Spanje, Chinese, Korea, en in overzeese ook actief moet' had gevraagd.

Deze keer, Asahi was gedeeltelijk gebaseerd, PR directeur van Yuriko Koike honderden van liberaal-democratische partij op Twitter zelf gezocht moet worden geplaatst in hun Engelstalige krant.
