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The interesting Korean loyalty

Management consultants and differences in awareness for the company was talking with South Korean venture enterprises in acquaintance with company employees in Japan and Korea, their work became a hot topic.

This acquaintance is contact with Japan on the job, but says ' Koreans Japanese ' loyalty to the company are obviously less than'. Affirm the strong loyalty to the boss directly, rather than the company itself. In other words, tend to worry about boss have the right decide salaries than the company as a whole that assess their eye's.

Wondering that the entire company employees as managers, remained faithful to the Dean or Director, is important, but, I want working. Height of loyalty to a company in Japan from Korea management is ideal, it would lead to higher wages. A lot about moving to Korea to the traditionally high turnover and better conditions at work. Fled to the important forces learned to work is the bane of managers.

According to this acquaintance involved in the job search seminars, in terms of the students ' choosing the right company recently that trade unions have said. It's had a Union wage struggle to drive better it. In the Seoul city labor unions rally held on a daily basis somewhere in, crying or something. Is not also hopes this excitement and job seekers in the



Câu chuyện phụ nữ thoải mái tiếng Anh xuất bản Asahi Shimbun chủ tịch Hội nghị được tổ chức?

Asahi Shimbun đặc trưng bài viết này tháng 22, cho thấy thông tin sai lạc lớn của phụ nữ thoải mái báo chí, đăng trên cả hai ngày 5、6 nghĩ rằng vấn đề phụ nữ thoải mái bằng tiếng Anh đăng trên trang web của họ. Tiếp theo, lớn lời xin lỗi sai và cuộc họp báo Tổng thống Kimura ITA số tiền (TADAKAzu) được mở hoặc vẻ và sự chú ý.

Phê chuẩn bài viết xuất hiện tại Nhật bản, trong tờ báo Morning Edition và HP, Yoshida Seiji, được xuất bản vào năm 1982, và sau đó là "phụ nữ Hàn Quốc 狩り出した của đảo Cheju, Hàn Quốc ' lời khai đã bị hủy bỏ như là một bài viết sai. Ngoài ra, phụ nữ của quân đoàn tình nguyện viên và 'an ủi phụ nữ' là hoàn toàn khác nhau, Asahi thừa nhận sử dụng sai.

Yoshida chứng được trích dẫn như là bằng chứng trong Coomaraswamy báo cáo gửi đến Liên Hiệp Quốc (1996) và giải quyết các Hoa Kỳ hạ viện 121 (2007), Nhật bản và Nhật bản đã giữ giảm và cũng trái, Tuy nhiên, trong 32 năm.

Vì vậy, cho Asahi, chính trị gia và trí thức ' lời xin lỗi cuộc họp báo Tổng thống Kimura và giải thích nên là "đạt được dừng lại ở Asahi chính thức do dự 'Asahi là tiếng Anh và tiếng Pháp Anh, Tây Ban Nha, Trung Quốc, Triều tiên, và ở nước ngoài cũng tích cực nên' đã yêu cầu.

Thời gian này, Asahi một phần dựa, quan hệ công chúng giám đốc của Yuriko Koike hàng trăm của Đảng dân chủ tự do trên Twitter chính nó tìm kiếm nên được đăng trong tờ báo tiếng Anh của họ.


Est ouvert l'entrevue du président d'Asahi Shimbun; ou un article de l'inspection de la femme de la charité

Les traitsque j'ai placé dansl'espace sur ce moiscinq ou sixdatesqui l'Asahi Shimbuna acceptéun grandfaux rapportdesnouvellesde la femme de la charité22eont placé le. version anglaise qui "pensait au sujet d'un"problème de la femme de la charitédans l'homepagede la compagnie.

e parais attirerl'attentiondans le futursila conférence depresse desexcusesdugrandfaux rapportetle Tadakazu Kimura(....) que le présidentest tenu.

Comme pour le témoignage"qui a chassé dehors une femmecoréenneenCorée, Île Jeju" de Seiji Yoshidaque l'article de l'inspectiona été placédans l'édition du matinen papieretle HPenjaponais, et a été placéaprès1982, l'article a été annulécommemensonge.

De plus, comme pour "le "corps du volontairede la filleet "la femme de la charité", le soleil du matina acceptévraimentle mauvais emploicommedistinction.

Maisj'avais été laissésans surveillance pour 32 annéeset le témoignageYoshidaa été citécommeévidencetel que ...... le rapport(1996) a soumis auxNations Uniesoula Maison Inférieureaméricaine121résolution(2007) et a continuéà regarder surJaponetun japonaisen bas.

Par conséquent, je l'ai exigépourle soleil du matin, "Président Kimura s'est"rendu compte de la conférence depresse ..... l'invitation de l'Alimentation de la personne du soleil du matin a intéressé" d'excuses et l'explication" et un politicien et hommes d'intelligence devraient "envoyer le soleil du matin par anglais et français, espagnol, chinois, coréen à l'étranger."

SeulementAsahil'a acceptéce temps, maisdemandesil lorsquele directeur général de Yuriko Koikel'information publiqueà Parti démocrate Libéraldevrait"le placer dans la compagnieAnglais papierde la lettre" à Gazouillementdepossède


World newspaper quoted Asahi lie articles by shame and pride to get rid of

Asahi has survived from before World War II regime at that time per
Typical newspaper betrays and survive even with friends in Japan is not no philosophy

For now, Japan is showered a humiliating criticism of slavery nation from the international community is based on witness accounts of "comfort women hunt ' Asahi newspaper reported. First sentence: read on.

[Way of requisition of Korea and Korean comfort women, our performers 10-15 people, from Yamaguchi Prefecture on the Korean peninsula travel and will mobilize the Governor-General Prefecture police officer 50 or 100 people using the Road Police Department. And police convoy truck prepared from five to 10 units, besieging the village as planned, suddenly, young women all drove on the road, the siege

And for kicking beat and young women as comfort women could use to force the facts had all the Bokken from cramming into trucks by violence, has panicked the whole village was in from one village three, five or 10 people and hauled by will continue] (as of 5/22/1991)

Testified that Mr. Seiji Yoshida (deceased). Person himself undertook the late World War 2 the requisition of workers such as munitions factories, Asahi reported under the heading "military comfort women assailants testimony] this testimony, then continued to post of Yoshida's.

Do facts and testimony, undoubtedly forced comfort women by nation "was" will. But the testimony was a complete fabrication.

Over 20 years sparking Asahi Shimbun pointed out that is not true by validating the field far more researchers about Yoshida testimony, Yoshida said he later admitted was fiction, but indifference has been continued.

It at last in the Nihon Keizai Shinbun 8/5 q the comfort women issue coverage] and verification article entitled the Yoshida testimony about q and deemed to be false, cancels the article. It cannot detect false testimony at the time] and withdrew completely in



Asahi Shimbun décrié Japon bientôt fermer

Faire l'éloge de la Chine, abaissant le journal Spurs Asahi Shimbun au Japon
Souhaite rompre avec les États-Unis, en vertu de la règle du journal chinois

about to accept a exercise of the right of collective self-defense, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stressed at the press conference and to transport Japanese rice ship protection, Asahi newspapers initially reported refused the United States, from the Ministry of Defense denied squarely and effectively. Journalism still Asahi tried to deny Prime Minister dwelt and prioritize their own people are the United States, and without care, 'one-sided content 's"(senior) and criticized the Ministry of Defense. (Doctor of ODA)

Asahi, 6/16 Shinbun (Tokyo Head Office issued version) 1 side, Japanese shipping by U.S. warship reported 'in past U.S.-Japan negotiations from Japan civilians to evacuate U.S. forces plan eventually refused to the United States', and

be a déclenché protection de navire américain lors d'une conférence de presse du 15/5, pour le transport de ressortissants de self-défense à titre d'exemple de l'exercice du droit de légitime défense collective, "ne peut pas maintenant défendre la circonscription aux États-Unis, que les japonais tente de s'échapper des parties au différend. Ma responsabilité de protéger la vie japonaise et le gouvernement ne peut pas faire quoi que ce soit vraiment? "et a fait appel. Dans ce cas, dans le Sankei Shimbun et Fuji news network ( FNN ) peuvent sondages représentés 73 % d'accord avec.

Asahi est nier les exemples dont le premier ministre, semble voulaient augmenter le mouvement d'opposition à l'exercice du droit de légitime défense collective.

Asahi indique, ministère de la défense immédiatement refusé et a protesté contre 6/18.

L'Asahi 7/1 le matin édition 4 (version Tokyo siège social émis) dans « le ministère de la défense a nié. Riz aussi "notre peuple d'abord ' état ' avec les articles de la rubrique. Dans le texte souligné indique politiques ne garantissent pas le sauvetage d'un autre pays, comme le Japon maintenant aussi aux États-Unis.

Devoir de sauver les autres personnes aux Etats-Unis, n'existe pas. Toutefois, dans l'actuel nippo-américaine de défense guidelines (lignes directrices) de la coopération (1) à coopérer pour déterminer la bonne évacuation de leurs citoyens chaque responsabilité avec (2) les de pays nippo-américain deux et -aussi simplement parce que ce rapport a éludé les questions. Représentants du ministère de la défense a également fait remarquer que "stipule les dispositions directives aident sauvetage des principes de leur propre peuple ont une responsabilité dans leur propre pays, mais aussi".

En revanche, Asahi a refusé le sauvetage japonais dans le Nihon Keizai Shinbun 6/16 ' engagement ne pas secourir orbite d'autrui a été révisé. Fait observer que, outre américano-japonais de navire de guerre se lance dans une très difficile a déclaré disparus.

Plaintes à la presse a déclaré que le ministère de la défense n'a pas encore de protestation, bien que Asahi continué unilatéralement combustion lente.
