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7 percent "inadequate verification" does not convince the public

Growing criticism and doubts about Asahi Shimbun while acknowledging the comfort women reported major misinformation, Kimura tadakazu(tadakazu) President's press conference does not open, not even apologize. And the Sankei Shimbun poll conducted by FNN (Fuji news network) and the new press 2001 Fuji TV, over 7% of respondents 'insufficient validation of the rising sun", beyond the 6% of respondents 'worsened relationship between Korea and Japan Asahi news.

Asahi Shinbun two days in 5、6 the validation article on the media coverage of the company over the comfort women issue, canceled after 32 years false as Yoshida Seiji, "in Jeju Island, Korea women of Korean comfort women Hunt made the testimony, such as.

'I think', I've heard or think this is sufficient verification of Asahi and Sankei and FNN, 'disagree' in 70.7% 11.9% was

Also, I heard 'or made worse between Japan and Korea Asahi comfort women news new press 2001, think and made worse by 61.6%, 'don't think' 32.2% was.

44.4% ' early ' to 'undo 32 years later, what do you think?"questions, slow 46.8% time is nothing but the 1.2 percent.

Asahi comfort women reportedly gave the big impact in 1993 was forced sex slaves "Kono Yohei Secretary', and Korea Government and country's media and has seen.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also has criticized "all textbooks also noted that"taken by force"went out (Sankei alone interview), and 'by Yoshida testimony was reported as fact, touched 2 relations bilateral relations".

Unless you see the survey, public opinion in Japan seems seeks further validation and self responsibility for Asahi.



Admitindo grande desinformação a questão de mulheres de conforto do Asahi Shimbun

Admitiu a falsidade do testemunho de auto-denominados primeiro-ministro Shinzo Abe 8 dias, de acordo com a entrevista com o Sankei Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun sobre o conforto de mulheres declaradamente forçadas as mulheres coreanas testemunharam, do trabalho da prefeitura de Yamaguchi mobilização patriótica Associação filial de Shimonoseki diretor, Seiji Yoshida, cancelou o artigo sobre "relatado como fato que inspirou as relações Japão-Coreia entre os 2. Também a bordo forçou a descrição de todos os livros didáticos "e apontou. "Sempre ajudado pela cobertura muitas pessoas dor sofrimento sob o sentido de responsabilidade e consciência que levou a esse resultado, fazer a validação que não é importante ' menos disse.

Gabinete aprovou a resposta escrita nele, 3/2007 para o primeiro gabinete de Abe lá é a descrição do chamado trabalho forçado pelas autoridades militares ou constituídas durante os materiais de descoberta de governo que, sublinhou a "não provado errado novamente criticou a decisão do gabinete, mas não é?".
Sobre a pedra do Partido Democrático Liberal secretário geral Shigeru Ishiba referia Asahi Shimbun hesitação oficial como o governo não comentar e decidir no Parlamento disse.


As nazi Germany Auschwitz Korean rights ignored.

Trying to tries to elucidate the actual violations of human rights in Korea led by Pak kuen President, said that the private parts. About the 1970-80's, incarceration and tramps and persons with disabilities, was killed in the assault, including large amounts of property, said in the diet truth movement. Korea media and call Korea version Auschwitz facility, so is poured over the scrutiny from the international community.
Facilities of the problem's was in Pusan see Korea brothers welfare hospital' (currently the name change). Korea paper, hankyoreh newspaper (Japan language electronic edition) reported movement law aimed at victims and investigate the truth behind the facility new political democratic Union and largest opposition party last month, to submit to Parliament.

Lawmakers involved in the Bill creating the party Chen Yoshimi says brothers welfare hospital incident's crime of trying to wipe out the vulnerable groups and the national dimension is what has been done at this facility?

According to hankyoreh newspaper, brothers welfare hospital and Busan city signed contract, from 75 years housed forcibly tramps and persons with disabilities, orphans, up to 87 years. Said the inmates were subject to forced labor, was assaulted on a daily basis. As a result, to about 3,000 people, 513 people's deaths. Will be what 17 percent died.
Not be overlooked that such human rights violations made by national led's.

Korea Affairs (current safety Administration Department) was established in 75 ' 1 kneading 410 No. ' became the basis, the crackdown of swag report,, home detention, protection and management office processing guidelines, forced confinement in a facility that.

It's not a national crime differs from what one evidence of "forced recruitment by the Japan military come out if coverage as the comfort women issue?
Journalist murotani Katsumi, the "Korea at that time, was unabashedly"attracted the town Hoodlum and straighten out the guts.' like that. Disaster of that era would be ' and you pointed out.

Also a thorough "cleansing operations" ago the Seoul Olympics (88 years), Tramps and ghetto hiding from alien seems became the hotbed of brutality.

410 the instruction issue was established 75 years could facing the brunt of the criticism to the President's daughter Park Geun-Hye, under the rule of President Park Chung Hee Hee for the. To criticize Japan Mr Park's always brought up human rights, but their human rights issues we address?


Asahi Shimbun "encuentra la comodidad mujeres emiten información falsa

El diario matutino de Asahi Shimbun fechado 5, 1 lado y cruzó el tema de las mujeres de confort ofrecido en 16-17. Artículo de portada, "continuó escribiendo artículos basados en testimonios de ex esclavas y uno de los pocos materiales que somos. Entonces descubrió que parte del artículo, hechos eran relación incorrecta. El punto reflejado es que ha producido un error en el escenario no conoce el problema de toda la imagen, pero la cobertura era insuficiente "y escribiendo, reconoció alguna información errónea en la comodidad de mujeres reportadas hasta ahora.
「慰安婦問題どう伝えたか 読者の疑問に答えます」と題した8月5日付け朝日新聞紙面 
"Las mujeres de solaz emitir respuestas preguntas de lectores y le contó cómo ' y 8/5 con el periódico Asahi titulado

Sobre la compulsión tomando confort que testimonio de autotitulados Asahi 16 veces cubierto, del trabajo de la Prefectura de Yamaguchi movilización patriótica Asociación Shimonoseki rama Director, Seiji Yoshida fue cancelar los artículos y entonces se considera para ser falsa.
 También para la publicación de artículos y cuerpo de voluntarios de las mujeres se movilizaron para la comodidad originalmente sin relación con la fábrica, incluyendo abuso repetidamente confundida resultado de un artículo de no era investigación avanzada sobre la cuestión de las mujeres de confort, refiriéndose a los periodistas, entre ellos, las mujeres de solaz y el cuerpo de voluntario que se reconocieron errores.

 Tales hechos no distorsionados intencionalmente defendió por escrito por otro lado, esclavas ex Corea del sur, dinero, orden artículo Sr. testimonio, Kim, como en el nombre de la chica voluntariado cuerpo marcharon al campo de batalla y la experiencia real y diverso contenido, prendieron fuego a la cuestión de las mujeres de confort Uemura reportero t. ( izquierda la empresa en marzo de este año )


Quelques réflexions à l'Asahi Shimbun, les femmes de réconfort délivrer

Le journal du matin Asahi Shimbun daté du 5, 1 côté et croisées, la question des femmes de confort en vedette dans les 16 et 17. Article en première page, "a continué à écrire des articles basés sur des témoignages de femmes de réconfort ancien et l'un des rares matériaux que nous sommes. Alors découvert cette partie de l'article, faits étaient relation incorrecte. Le point réfléchi est qu'une erreur s'est produite sur scène ne sais pas le problème de l'ensemble de l'image, mais la couverture ne suffisait plus "et écrit, a reconnu certains désinformation dans le confort femmes signalées jusqu'à présent.
Le journal du matin Asahi Shimbun daté du 5, 1 côté et croisées, la question des femmes de confort en vedette dans les 16 et 17. Article en première page, "a continué à écrire des articles basés sur des témoignages de femmes de réconfort ancien et l'un des rares matériaux que nous sommes. Alors découvert cette partie de l'article, faits étaient relation incorrecte. Le point réfléchi est qu'une erreur s'est produite sur scène ne sais pas le problème de l'ensemble de l'image, mais la couverture ne suffisait plus "et écrit, a reconnu certains désinformation dans le confort femmes signalées jusqu'à présent.
「慰安婦問題どう伝えたか 読者の疑問に答えます」と題した8月5日付け朝日新聞紙面

「慰安婦問題どう伝えたか 読者の疑問に答えます」と題した8月5日付け朝日新聞紙面

"Les femmes de réconfort émettre des réponses questions des lecteurs et lui a dit comment ' et 8/5 et le journal Asahi intitulé

Pour l'écriture en revanche, femmes de réconfort sud-coréen ancien, argent, ordonnance article témoignage de M., Kim, comme au nom de la fille du bénévolat Corps emmenés vers le champ de bataille et une expérience réelle et des contenus différents, mis le feu au confort femmes délivrer Uemura t. journaliste ( gauche la compagnie en mars cette année ) défendu non compris les faits intentionnellement déformés.
