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LE41e FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE LA BANDE DESSINÉE, Monsieur le Délégué Général Franck Bondoux

LE41e FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE LA BANDE DESSINÉE, Monsieur le Délégué Général Franck Bondoux

Ne Soyez Pas de Collabo avec La Campagne Malveillante Anti-Japonaise par Corée de Sud au 41e BD d'Angoulême!!


"Femmes de Réconfort" est l'appellation employée au Japon à propos des femmes prostituées organisées pour l'armée et la marine impériales japonaises, en particulier durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Aujourd'hui la Corée insiste que ‘Il y avait au moins des 200,000 femmes et des enfants coréennes furent enlevées et forcées d'être comme les esclaves sexuelles.’

D’ailleurs on fait la campagne de lavage de cerveau des gens de tout le monde entier pour ‘Faire les reconnaître l’affaire comme s’il soit un problème d’esclavages sexuelles commis par le Japon’.

On ne nie jamais l’existence des femmes de réconfort. Mais ni 200.000, ni Enlevées , ni Forcées par l’Armée Imperiale Japonaise!! C’est pas du tout la vérité, mais ce n’est que des mensonges ou histoires sans fondement.

Au Japon, plusieurs specialistes, historiens et journalistes ont vérifié sur les chaque cas particulier. Et ils ont pourvé que les histoires racontées par les ex-“Femmes de réconfort” ne sont que les histoires fabriquées par eux ni plus ni moins.

Nous, les japonais, somme dans une colère noire en sachant l’histore véridique. Et maintenant Angoulême va se mêler des affaires entre le Japon et la Corée sans savoir la vérité ni vérifier le cas. C’est de la folie furieuse.

Et au festival, le gouvernement coréen manipule le festival d’Angoulême comme un champ de bataille politiquement et diplomatiquement. Il est en trains de conspirer contre notre pays.

Le 41e BD d’Angoulême commet bien des erreurs en collaborant avec la campagne malveillante anti-japonaise du gouvernement coréen.

La diffusion et l’utilisation des Bandes Animées pour l’assertion unilaterale est contraire à l’esprit du Festival.

On vous demande de ne jamais prendre part aux affaires louches d’un pays en se mêlant le problème contre autre pays. C’est pour la véritable relations amicales avec France, Japon et la Corée.

Avant tout, pour la progression du festival en plein devenir.

On vous remercie de votre gentillesse de lire et de bien comprendre ce message.  Et aussi on vous souhaite le success du Festival de la Bande Dessinée d'Angou



Las veces cuando los cambios fronterizos en una técnica .

Las veces cuando los cambios fronterizos en una técnica.
China no sólo es Japón y se opone a los varios países en Asia que visita un territorio, aguas territoriales. Entretanto, uno de lo que pusieron el énfasis aproximadamente adelante para estos últimos 20 años es la arqueología. Por ejemplo, muchos barcos hechos naufragar que son viejo en el Mar de China Sur están deprimidos, pero China lo investiga e insiste en el dominium del Mar de China Sur; va a ser conectado con tierra.
El Mar de China Sur es una línea del traslado importante entre el cubo económico de la Asia Del sur. China gobierna allí y cierro con llave eso que y va a ser bajado. Según Journal de Wall Street, parezco permitir por consiguiente que invito a un arqueólogo del territorio extranjero y hago excavación del Mar de China Sur. Por ejemplo, llamo a un arqueólogo de Francia e investigo un barco hecho naufragar del decimotercio siglo en el barrio Filipino.
La figura dónde China tira hace 800 años al buque mercante del fondo del Mar de China Sur en 2007. Tiene 1987 años que un barco fue descubierto.
(En cuanto a la fotografía China Imágenes de Fotografías / Getty))
Pero el mar es sólo una parte del problema territorial. China pone una zona de identificación de defensa aérea de repente el mes pasado y la intención llama la atención la porque Islas de Senkaku que se vuelven el problema entre Japón son incluido en el rango.
La zona de identificación de defensa aérea es considerablemente un problema con el sentimiento de tensión, pero, en cuanto a despacharte, o no te vuelvas muchas noticias en arqueólogos marinos en el mar. Pero muestra el cambio de la manera de una demanda y la lucha alrededor del territorio. Así como China, la demanda del territorio por cada nación está cambiando. Por ejemplo, Canadá iba a insistir en el dominium del polaco Norte la Rusia siguiente y Dinamarca, pero las heceses incluyeron los 200 millones de dólares (aproximadamente 20 mil millones yen) que usan el submarino del telemando el fondo del polaco Norte de la investigación del mar que lo tardó esta semana. Semejantemente, investigadores hacen fondo del mapa del mar cuidadosamente a 200 millas de áreas de mar de soberanía vecinas (aproximadamente 320km) en los Estados Unidos.
Por GPS y un submarino remoto, una técnica y un estudio como la arqueología, la manera de la demanda de la frontera empieza a cambiar, también.
[Wall Street Journal]


China, the wrecked ship 800 years ago in grounds territorial waters claim -

The times when the border changes in a technique.
China is not only Japan and is opposed to various countries in Asia visiting a territory, territorial waters. Meanwhile, one of what they laid emphasis on for approximately these past 20 years is archeology. For example, a lot of wrecked ships which are old in the South China Sea are depressed, but China investigates it, and insist on dominium of the South China Sea; is going to be grounded.
The South China Sea is an important transfer line between the economic hub of the Southern Asia. China rules there and I lock what and am going to be downed. According to Wall Street Journal, I seem to let therefore I invite an archeologist from the foreign territory and do excavation of the South China Sea. For example, I call an archeologist from France and investigate a wrecked ship of the thirteenth century in the Philippine neighborhood.
The figure where China pulls up the merchant ship 800 years ago from the bottom of the South China Sea in 2007. It is 1987 that a ship was discovered.
(as for the photograph China Photos/Getty Images))
But the sea is only a part of the territorial problem. China sets an air defense identification zone suddenly last month, and the intention attracts attention because Senkaku Islands becoming the problem between Japan are included in the range.
The air defense identification zone is considerably a problem with the feeling of strain, but, as for dispatching you, does not become much news in marine archeologists in the sea either. But it shows the change of the way of a claim and the fight around the territory. As well as China, the claim of the territory by every nation is changing. For example, Canada was going to insist on dominium of the North Pole following Russia and Denmark, but the grounds included the 200 million dollars (approximately 20 billion yen) using the submarine of the remote control North Pole bottom of the sea investigation that took it this week. Similarly, researchers make bottom of the sea map carefully to 200 miles of neighboring sovereignty sea areas (approximately 320km) in the United States.
By GPS and a remote submarine, a technique and a study such as the archeology, the way of the claim of the border begins to change, too.
[Wall Street Journal]


The China military authorities succeed in a coup d'etat, The China military authorities succeed in a coup d'etat,

The China military authorities already succeed in a substantial coup d'etat, and are considered to have captured the Chinese government.Chairman Xi Jinping is only the leader in name only that the military authorities chose."

The internal memo of Defence Intelligence Agency which is the intelligence service of the U.S. Department of Defense is conducting shocking analysis.

Although this memo is not a letter, it not only uses, but [ in order that the associate administrators specializing in politics of the U.S. Department of Defense may analyze the international situation, ] the policy person in charge of the White House or the Department of State is gazing.

This information memo says that the Communist Party local chapter of China has severe decomposition, and there is no wish of self-correction.The U.S. Department of Defense has already raised local confusion with the report "Asia 2025" taken out in 1999, as an important factor of the China defense doctrine.Various subsequent reports have also described "The central part of the Communist Party of China has lost the control to rural areas."

Dr. Kissinger detailed to China has said to me like this.

"Whenever I visit China, I visit every place, and I am made to experience the actual condition of local government practically.Just, in the latest visit, the local Communist Party of China and the China military authorities had a very close relation, and saw for having discussed and decided all."

Although it did not say that Mr. Kissinger was decisive truly, the central part of the Communist Party of China was a way of talking made to ask about it being impossible to move rural areas.

Now, Chairman Xi Jinping is continuing the very militant posture to Japan.Although the U.S. Department of Defense also concludes that China further expands the air defense identification zone, the bold posture of this Xí JìnpíngPresident
will be based on the determination of the China army.

Relation (AP) [expansion] of quite doubtful Xí Jìnpíng President
and the China army

From the Asia West Pacific Ocean, the East China Sea, or South China Sea, the China army drove out the U.S. Forces and determined the strategy of gaining control of Japan."The person in charge of the U.S. Department of Defense has stated like this.

The Department of Defense also admits that it is difficult to collect sufficient information about the internal situation of the China army.In order to explore the information about the highly efficient cruise missile for a warship attack etc. about which the U.S. is anxious, a military attache must be made to take strictly confidential action, or it must stop having to make a military base and an institution enter.

One of the supreme advisors of the U.S. Department of Defense
has said like this.

"It has been danger to make an excellent person in charge act on military facilities or the outskirts of it for a long period of time very difficultly.Although the person in charge was infiltrated as a businessman also in the meantime, information gathering is becoming difficult steadily."

Strength and a collision are no longer seen in a posture with relation cooperative with currency financial aspects between the U.S. and China.But, since such a bold military policy that Xí JìnpíngPresident
is unusual and the posture of Chinese confidentiality were strengthened, it is clear that the Chinese government became army initiative from the Communist Party and the State Affairs Administration initiative



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Although it is soft and convenient 100 times and popular, it is a virus completely."

Although it is soft and convenient 100 times and popular, it is a virus completely."

"It is a virus completely --"


Japanese language input software which transmits outside all the character strings inputted into the personal computer "Baidu IME."The persons concerned are shocked by having been used, not noticed also at the public office and university treating national important information.convenient -- popular, because it is soft -- a presumed user -- 2 million or more people.A specialist indicates "Also with convenient IT service, if structure is not correctly told to a user, it will become the same as a malignant virus."

It is "although he would like to believe that civic personal information has not leaked ...."

Katsuhiko Ota and the head of the information system division of Toyota-shi, Aichi hung their head.In the city, communication record with the server of the Baidu side is investigated, and it will be checked that tens of communications have been performed in 2 hours on the morning of the 25th.When communication record was traced, it turned out that Baidu IME is installed in 14 personal computers.

14 sets are personal computers currently used at a total of eight departments, such as a citizen welfare part and a plan policy part.Although caught from the personnel, all are referred to as surprised in "It does not know that such software is installed."

According to the specialist in an information security, Baidu IME is a distribution site of free software, etc., and it says [ being distributed for the "bundle" with the software of a spreadsheet or a text editing in many cases, and ] it.The user has been going to install another software and may also have put in Baidu IME.

In the city, after deleting this software, the measure was taken so that it could not connect with the server of Baidu.Section Chief Ota says, "It is also continued repeat investigation, and if there is an information leak in connection with citizens, I would like to correspond firmly."

Installation of external software was revealed even in the central ministries which are forbidden in principle.At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs installed in five public personal computers, the personnel submit notice and it calls it the structure which will be permitted if the communications division admits "It is necessity to business."The person in charge supposes "There is no record which permitted Baidu IME", and when he installs other software, he may enter.

Although software was found also in the education research organization treating intellectual property, such as high technology, a certain university staffs reveal by saying ", at the university which values free character, soft regulation is difficult."The security person in charge of Tokyo Institute of Technology revealed from clerical terminal meter 16 about 600 Taizhoug, such as the personnel, also reveals "Although a clerical work terminal can still be grasped, even the personal computer which the researcher and the student carried in cannot be managed and a global image cannot be held."

Baidu IME is also the convenient software in which the function of the "Cloud conversion" which appeared several years before was introduced.In order to raise a conversion function, it is regarded as making the server send and learn a user's input.The person in charge of Tokyo Institute of Technology criticizes "It is the same completely" with the virus the "keylogger" which supervises the contents inputted by the keyboard, though "It can understand that it is the function which considered the user's facilities."
