

日本を取り巻くアジア情勢の変化 世界の情報を辛口で伝える情報部ログ 世の中はめまぐるしくかわっていきます その中で取り残されない為の情報をお伝えします Changing Asian situation surrounding Japan Tell the world information by information Department log The world is rapidly mood In order not to lag behind in its informed the <a href="https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" rel="nofollow">なんでもまとめてお売りください!宅配買取「いーあきんど」</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www19.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" alt="">





夏に女は発情する」――古の時代より言い伝えられてきた名言だが、果たして今夏もそうなのだろうか? 8/6発売の週刊SPA!の特集「女の発情スポット一斉捜査」では、発情女を求めてさまざまな場所へ潜入取材を試み、その結果を細かく綴っている。





「男のセンスもワンパターン。EXILEとか亀田兄弟みたいなヤンチャ系? 正直、タイプじゃないから、出会いが宮コンしかない」



 そこで早速2軒目に移動したのだが、ここで早くも計画は頓挫してしまう。女のコが来ない。とにかく待ち時間が長いのである。本当に参加男女比は同じなのか? どう見ても男のほうが圧倒的にダブついているように見える。




「東京からわざわざ参加したの? バカだねぇ。宮コンに7000円も払う必要ないって。オリオン通りに行けば、ナンパ待ちしている女のコがウジャウジャいるよ」












The message that I am against the charity dame monument which Wada wrote

My Letter to U.S. Agencies Opposing Korean Comfort Woman Monument

From:   Robert M. Wada    Date:    September 10, 2013

Considering approval of a Korean Comfort Woman Statue Monument

I have been a resident of Buena Park for 30 years and prior to that lived in nearby La Mirada for 23 years.  I am a second generation American of Japanese ancestry born, raised and educated in Redlands, California.

As a young boy of 12 years of age, I was a victim of the mass World War II incarceration of over 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the WestCoast of the United States.  In 1950 during the Korean War, in spite of my incarceration by the United States Government in WWII, I volunteered for the U.S. Marine Corps to serve, fight and defend a country and a people I did not even know.  I lost two very very close friends in the Korean War, one of whom I first met in Kindergarten and to this day still feel responsible for his death.  Five sons of my first generation parents from Japan served in the U.S. military in American wars. Two in WWII with the muchdecorated Japanese American 442nd Regimental Combat Team and threeof us were in Korea during the war at the same time..

Although I object to the proposed Korean Comfort Woman monument in any location in the United States, my objection to this monument in no way means I condone or defend the actions of Japan.  I too will be appalled if the allegations are proven to be true. However, in this letter I am merely defending the integrity of our Japanese American communities across the nation.  An apology is due from Japan, not by governmental agencies in the U.S. nor as individuals. This is an issue between two foreign countries.

After watching and hearing the speakers at a City of Buena Parkhearing on TV, I heard many very young Koreans telling their stories of the atrocities with figures and statistics.  In my opinion, they are comparable to younger generation Japanese Americans who speak of the horrible conditions in the internment camps and often exaggerate stories to get their point across to viewers or an audience.  I recommend any hearings be restricted to your local residents and not residents from far away outside municipalities, who have no local interest.

I would like to remind you, long before World War II, a very large portion of Orange County was predominantly farms owned and operated by first and second generation Japanese Americans.  They were farming long before any Korean people or even before other ancestors set foot in the area.  It is not fair to blame our first generation parents who came here as far back as the early 1900’s for atrocities committed by Japan during World War II.  There is a Japanese American farming industry museum on the grounds of the California State University in Fullerton and not one monument is erected in any city of Orange County.

In my opinion, I do not feel that a monument for such a controversial issue is in the best interest of any City or anywhere else in the United States.  It is a problem between two foreign countries and such a monument only intensifies the divisive issue and only benefits one segmentof people in our very diverse society.  Will that mean we can now open the door to additional monuments in your municipality to commemorate the slavery of the blacks, the immigration of the Hispanics, the execution of the Jewish people during WWII and the illegal incarceration and stripping of the constitutional rights of the American citizens of Japanese ancestry during their internment in WW II. ?

This proposed monument is to commemorate a foreign issue and is not what I, nor the well over 5,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry and the256 who gave their lives served and died for.  We fought and we died for the love of our country and the freedom of the people of the Republic of Korea, not so ultimately they could migrate to the United States and bring shame to our heritage.  I hope you will all realize as well, there are many older residents through out the United States who are not able to express their opposition and, like myself, are adamantly against it.

It is well known throughout the Japanese American communities,there is a hatred exercised here in the United States by the Korean people,not only against the Japanese in Japan, but this hatred has been brought to the United States against the Japanese Americans as well.

In 2007, I received and answered an email from a non-Korean professor at a university in Seoul, Korea.  He questioned why the university was still teaching hatred for the Japanese and they even include the Japanese Americans.  I responded, “I have no idea why they include Japanese Americans.” The Japanese Americans certainly do not deserve such disrespect or bigoted treatment. The Korean people should be appreciative the Japanese Americans bravely served during the Korean War, which helped grant them the freedom to come to America.

There is one important exception to this hatred. Many of the South Korea War Veterans of the War recognize the sacrifice and suffering of their fellow Japanese American Veterans and show very little animosity toward their fellow Japanese American veterans of the Korean War.

In 1997, I helped organize and was the president the first four years of the Japanese American Korean War Veterans Organization.  To try and help bridge that hatred gap between the Korean people and the Japanese Americans, our organization with the permission of the Republic of Korea government built a Memorial near the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea listing each individual name of the 256 Japanese Americans killed in the Korean War. That Memorial is located at Imjin Gak,Paju City in Korea.  To allow the Comfort Woman monument for atrocities committed by a foreign country will not bring a local resolution.  It will only destroy any positive benefit we may have gained in the past as a result of the Japanese American Veterans’ Memorial in Paju City, South Korea.

I suggest your Agency merely pass a resolution in support of fair justice between Japan and Korea.  This would place your Agency on record in aiding international efforts for justice. If this monument is built anywhere within your jurisdiction, it will only enhance and continue the hatred suffered by the Japanese Americans in the United States.

My final comment is to make you aware that on Thursday, August 29, 2013, the City Council of the City of Buena Park, California, setting a precedence, voted to deny the implementation of the Comfort Woman Statue Monument in the City of Buena Park.

There are two books I have authored that may be of interest to help you understand the role of the Japanese Americans who served in the Korean War. The first is my memoir book titled, “From Internment, to Korea to Solitude,” and my second book is titled, “Americans of Japanese Ancestry in the Korean War.” Their titles alone partially define the role of the Japanese Americans in the Korean War who fought and sacrificed their lives to protect the freedom of the people of the Republic of Korea.


Robert M. Wada
Sgt., U. S. Marine Corps
Korea, 1951-‘52













 酔って調子に乗り、「ママ、田舎の北海道から上京するときって走って来たんでしょ?」と軽口を叩きながら、「俺、キックボクシングやってんだ」と言った一言がまずかった。ママから「へぇ~じゃあ、ちょっと打ってみてよ」と言われたもんだから、こんな感じでね、エイッ!と拳を突き出し、どさくさに紛れてセクハラしようとした刹那! ママのカウンターが見事に決まって撃沈。酔いも手伝って、白い灰になっちまったのであった。




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「届くんです。」は 30日間無料お試しが出来る他有料となる2か月目以降も業界最安値の2550円で利用することができます。 どれくらい使いやすいかは30日の無料お試しで実感して頂き気に入ったら業界最安値の価格でご利用いただくことが可能です。 まずは一度使ってみて「届くんです。」の使い勝手を体験してみてください。 → あなたのアフィリエイトリンク ■まだあんな使いにくいメルマガ配信ソフトを使っているんですか? 最近のメルマガ配信ソフトの機能は本当に凄いです。本当に色々な事が出来るので便利になったと思います。 しかし、機能が増えた半面管理画面が説明書を見ないと理解出来なかったりメルマガを新しく作って発行するだけに時間がかかったりしてしまいます。 ただメルマガを発行するだけでよければ 1.新しくメルマガを発行する2.メルマガの原稿をセットする3.クリック解析をワンタッチで設定できる この3つさえ出来ればいいだけです。 毎日使うものだからシンプルで使いやすいものを選んでほしいと思います。 今日ご紹介する「メルマガ配信ソフト届くんです。」 であれば、管理画面の操作は超簡単!他のメルマガ配信ソフトを使ったことがある人であれば説明書もなしで発行することが出来ます。 今なら30日間の無料お試し期間がありますので是非使ってみてください<
/b>。 https://www.viral-manager.com/aff/13970/797/






On July 28, 2010, according to the Hong Kong English letter paper south China morning coat post, it is said that unpleasant average feelings open to the Vietnam nation by the increase of a Chinese man visiting Vietnam in a search for bride purpose. A ring ball net conveyed it on 31st.
According to the article, lack of bride chronic unequally of the sex ratio in the population continues in China. Furthermore, a woman side comes to require a house or a privately-owned car as a condition of the marriage these days, and it is said that the men who cannot marry continue increasing. When Chinese men marrying the Vietnamese woman who "does not cost the money as the solution quietly" increase, I point out the article. The man of the Nanjing city which became 42 years old married a local person woman this year when I traveled in Vietnam in last September. It is said that I am with a bride in China, and this man who returned recommended the marriage with the Vietnamese woman to several hundred other Chinese men until now.
However, one day it is said that I step into the hotel, and the hometown Police that doubted that a lot of young women went in and out of the hotel where the marriage meeting trip group which the man leads stays at day after day arrested all the Chinese hotel guests for the sexual intercourse for money charge. In Vietnam, the negative news to be related to the marriage of such a Chinese man and the Vietnamese woman is drained day after day and has a big influence on the friendly relationship of the two countries. When a certain Chinese traveler took a taxi, "China could always suffer why in Vietnam, and, as for the driver, China took many things away from Vietnam". It is said that I spitted it out with a woman this time
