

日本を取り巻くアジア情勢の変化 世界の情報を辛口で伝える情報部ログ 世の中はめまぐるしくかわっていきます その中で取り残されない為の情報をお伝えします Changing Asian situation surrounding Japan Tell the world information by information Department log The world is rapidly mood In order not to lag behind in its informed the <a href="https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" rel="nofollow">なんでもまとめてお売りください!宅配買取「いーあきんど」</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www19.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" alt="">

米海軍、横須賀基地司令官を更迭 施設の管理担当、「信用失墜」が理由




 基地司令官は当面、日本管区副司令官兼参謀長のスティーブン・ウィーマン大佐 が代行
It was announced that a navy in the US reshuffled Yokosuka base commander in Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa and David GURENISUTA captain by the 21st. The trust eclipse is made a reason on the 20th.

 Japanese district headquarters investigate the private citizen who works at a base about other people's affairs and programming of employee benefits according to rice U.S. Navy headquarters in Japan. The questionnaire which checks the degree of satisfaction of the unit was also performed. I say that I considered as a result, to chip the leadership.

 A GURENISUTA captain takes a base commander up in August, 2013. I didn't participate in practical use of a ship by management charge for navy facilities.

 For the time being, Steven of a Japanese district vice commander and an adviser chief and a WIMAN captain act for a base commander.





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