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Buddha comics festival reckless action "charity dame comics"

Buddha comics festival reckless action "charity dame comics" Korea OK Japan as for removal Texas father rage "the very front case not to be able to permit"

Hear it, everybody. In front of me, a case not to be able to permit happened. The person in charge of the comics festival was enraged and I trailed the signboards of the Japanese side booth and took it down and took printed matter without permission. I stole it.
This person in charge interferes until the press conference of the Japanese side; and "you leave"! I shouted with "and scattered it. Naturally the Japanese side demanded it when "he returned the thing which I stole", but he refused it. I asked it to call the police, but the police did not appear even if 24 hours passed. Does it take French police until the arrival to the spot more than one day?
A charity dame problem is Japan and a problem of Korea basically. The historic problem between two countries has the viewpoint from two sides. I adopt a viewpoint only for one side, and it will pocket the history to refuse another.
Charity dame plan exhibition of the Korean government by the Buddha Angouleme international comics festival
May France advocate "freedom" "equality" "philanthropism" as a founding of a country idea? You should accept the display of the Japanese side if you accept the display of the comics by the Korean side. Was the three major mind lies?
It may be said that it is a boon of the brainwashing for ten years of the Korean government to have got up this time in Angouleme City. The Korean side seemed to build relations with the sponsorship side for many years.
It is to say, "guys (= Korean) do not give up" wanting to say to Japanese everybody. I will continue terrible work based on the hatred from now on.
But all the people to see Korean comics said, "a Japanese image did not fall in this". It is difficult for liars to dirty an image of Japan.
Japan will not neglect the effort with the determination that introduces "the truth of the charity dame" into the world in future. Most of Japanese know the reckless action of Korea, and a right viewpoint of the issue of charity dame should be a chance to open.
