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I look with a police officer and a mob collision, 21 death = terror groups and investigate it

Suspicious group and police officer and others collided in Chinese Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Kashgar 地区巴楚県 on the daytime of 23rd, and, as for the police officer and staff and others authorities side of the district, 15 died, and two got injured, and six people of the group were shot dead by a police officer, and eight were restricted. The authorities consider it to be the group which planned terrorism and examine birth and parentage or the background of the suspicious individual. The local media reported it on 24th.
Three staffs of the district find a knife with a large number of suspicious individuals in the private house of the visit and report it. Three staffs were killed when police officers rushed, and the private house was set fire to. I shot a suspicious individual dead, and the police officer had it and suppressed it.
When two were, ten Uygur, Han race three, Mongolia group told the local media in a police officer and the staff of the authorities side which died, but do not report the birth and parentage of the suspicious individual.
I stated,  huà chūn yíng, the vice-news chief of the bureau of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was a press conference of 24th and "a few terrorism power was going to break stability of Xinjiang with every means, but were not accomplished a purpose as for the plan".
On the other hand, the Chinese human rights democratization clearing house (headquarters Hong Kong) told when "it was not the case that ethnic antagonism and terror plot picked quarrel with by the turmoil that happened over management of the flow population" (person of working away from home) as a story of inhabitants.中国新疆ウイグル自治区カシュガル地区巴楚県で23日昼、不審なグループと警察官らが衝突し、警官や地区の職員ら当局側は15人が死亡、2人が負傷し、グループの6人が警官に射殺され、8人が拘束された。当局はテロを企てていたグループとみて、不審者の身元や背後関係などを調べている。地元メディアが24日報じた。





