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In the confrontation with China over General Secretary, war to mention South China Sea

Viet Nam State-run media said the country's Supreme Leader Nguyen-Fu-chung Communist Party Secretary one day, South referred to the need to prepare for any possible confrontation with China in the China Sea, including the war. At a meeting with voters in Hanoi was told.

 South Sea Paracel (China and Paracel) Islands in may China began drilling for oil in the wake series clash of both countries public ships and fishing boats in the field, continued tensions now.

 Chung said "people ask what happens in war. Is necessary we are ready for every possibility to ' and while the stressed must not be and we hope the war is not and doesn't happen.

 Reiterate the standpoint and Chong aims to solve problems in a peaceful way. Separate from Chinese citizens and the expansionist Chinese leadership should think about and also s
