

日本を取り巻くアジア情勢の変化 世界の情報を辛口で伝える情報部ログ 世の中はめまぐるしくかわっていきます その中で取り残されない為の情報をお伝えします Changing Asian situation surrounding Japan Tell the world information by information Department log The world is rapidly mood In order not to lag behind in its informed the <a href="https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" rel="nofollow">なんでもまとめてお売りください!宅配買取「いーあきんど」</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www19.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" alt="">




Others also own their own's own FIFA Korea

Up to 8, found blotted out national flag was depicted alongside the Philippine flag on the walls of the building as a sign of 'Hibi ' cooperation elementary school was built on Leyte Island, Philippines by Japan Government support in the Korea flag had been repainted. Japan Government also confirmed the Philippines Education Department has contact details.

 Leyte Paro city built in the fiscal 1997 ODA Burrus elementary school was repainted. Korea media is telling drew national flag (the flag Korea) 14 school roof and Windows repaired, recovery work in three cities and then in late June, Korea Army entered the Typhoon No. 11 last year to hit the local disaster recovery support t  


The photo was taken in July this year. Written on the wall turns contents on the Philippines and Korea, Korea flag is depicted in the place of the rising sun provided photos

Make sure being painted, and grasp the situation in the coverage of Korea Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you get rid of, usually, the rising-sun flag sign is consulted from the Philippine side, but this time I didn't. That check other schools not being painted.
