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The Yasukuni arson suspect body delivery China interruption that I am serving the sentence for in Korea

The Yasukuni arson suspect body delivery China interruption that I am serving the sentence for in Korea
Over a body of nationality = out of Tsuyoshi Liu convict = which I throw a Molotov cocktail into the Japanese Embassy of Seoul in this January and am serving the sentence for in Korea, Korea is made to stand in the severe situation between Japan and China. The Japanese side demands the transportation of the body based on a Japan-Korea extradition treaty for the arson charge to Tokyo, Yasukuni shrine of the end of last year, but the China government requires the forced repatriation to China. Anti-Japan groups work on the Korean government not to do delivery to Japan in Korea.
I said, "I considered a civil law and international law, a humanitarian standpoint generally, and 趙泰永報道官 of the Korean diplomatic Department of Trade gave a conclusion" on this month 16 and clarified that I did not decide correspondence. In contrast, I do it when "I am solemn, and the person concerned with Japanese police should be delivered unless I hit a reason of delivery refusal determined by a treaty not humanity so and so".
In the treaty, a political offense includes what may be punished after delivery about the case that can refuse delivery. However, the charge sets fire other than buildings. It is "case the delivery does not have any problem at all if usual, and to be decided quickly" (person concerned with Korean police).
The Japanese government sources point out, "it becomes the failure country of the extradition treaty, and Korea does not avoid the loss of the international credibility reasonably if and I refuse delivery without sufficient reason".
Chinese 孟建柱公安相 at the time of a visit to Korea of July the right of Korea living-in-; speak, "may become the diplomatic dispute to the funny Minister of Justice if deliver it to Japan". It was said, the Korean side "understood concern".
According to the Korean government sources, it is said that there is an intention to show diplomatic power by regaining Liu convict inside and out in China. The person concerned with Korean judiciary made clear, "the Chinese government could go ahead through the issuance preparations for passport to perform treatment of Liu convict heroically".
The Liu convict is trial; a crime motive "a grandmother was a charity dame". I insist when I felt anger in not taking the responsibility either without Japanese Government accepting the past history. The Korean authorities did not inspect credibility, but the Korean media told like a fact. The anti-Japan group "issue of Korean volunteering (volunteering) unit measures meeting" supporting a cause "charity dame" complicates pressure, a problem more in the Korean government not to deliver Liu convict to Japan

**The Japanese government sources point out , "it becomes the failure country of the extradition treaty , and Korea does not avoid the loss of the international credibility reasonably if and I refuse delivery without sufficient reason


