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7 percent "inadequate verification" does not convince the public

Growing criticism and doubts about Asahi Shimbun while acknowledging the comfort women reported major misinformation, Kimura tadakazu(tadakazu) President's press conference does not open, not even apologize. And the Sankei Shimbun poll conducted by FNN (Fuji news network) and the new press 2001 Fuji TV, over 7% of respondents 'insufficient validation of the rising sun", beyond the 6% of respondents 'worsened relationship between Korea and Japan Asahi news.

Asahi Shinbun two days in 5、6 the validation article on the media coverage of the company over the comfort women issue, canceled after 32 years false as Yoshida Seiji, "in Jeju Island, Korea women of Korean comfort women Hunt made the testimony, such as.

'I think', I've heard or think this is sufficient verification of Asahi and Sankei and FNN, 'disagree' in 70.7% 11.9% was

Also, I heard 'or made worse between Japan and Korea Asahi comfort women news new press 2001, think and made worse by 61.6%, 'don't think' 32.2% was.

44.4% ' early ' to 'undo 32 years later, what do you think?"questions, slow 46.8% time is nothing but the 1.2 percent.

Asahi comfort women reportedly gave the big impact in 1993 was forced sex slaves "Kono Yohei Secretary', and Korea Government and country's media and has seen.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also has criticized "all textbooks also noted that"taken by force"went out (Sankei alone interview), and 'by Yoshida testimony was reported as fact, touched 2 relations bilateral relations".

Unless you see the survey, public opinion in Japan seems seeks further validation and self responsibility for Asahi.
