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A posture of Korea to Japan, the demand are more specific than Buddha, history recognition of Vietnam

The visit (September 7-11 days) of Park Geun HyeThe President in Vietnam was really interesting for the longtime Korean watcher. It was sales diplomacy of the economic cooperation reinforcement, but there was a historical issue on the back and pulled interest including the issue of nuclear power generation export officially. This is because Vietnam is totally different from Korea in an opinion by the history recognition of the Vietnam War of the 1960-70 generation with war (I throw in war
Vietnam was a particular partner for President Boku. Is moistened by "Vietnam emergency demand" such as highway construction or the transportation that the participation in a war in Vietnam is performed by decision of President father, Park Chung Hee and exchanges it for the dispatch of troops of a total of 330,000; of the economic development was a chance big. However, President Boku did not mention such a past on the occasion of this visit to Vietnam at all.
That war was an aggressive war by U.S. Korea for Vietnam, but was war of Masayoshi who kept freedom for Korea. In other words it is the right specific example, "the definition of the aggressive war is not decided" globally as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe talked.
Korea repelled Abe remark intensely, but the definition is not made up over oneself Korean, the war that I experienced by oneself. You do not need to take Vietnam, and the Korean War (1950 through 53) is so, too. I insist on Korea with "an aggressive war by the north", but North Korea is called "mother country war of liberation of the justice that repulsed south aggression".
Even if history recognition does not agree with North Korea and Vietnam, Korea requiring history looking straight or agreement of right history recognition that is the history recognition so much for Japan is okay. No, rather I am not particular about roundabout what's called history recognition and I shelve it and do talks and interchange, cooperation. This is the common sense of international relations.
It is said with (3.1 sections speech) "not to change about Japan-Korea relations even if 1,000 years pass as for the historic viewpoint of an assailant and the victim", and President Boku surprised Japan, but can shelve such a thought as needed anytime.
However, Vietnam demands neither the apology nor the reflection nor the compensation from Korea of the old enemy country on the occasion of diplomatic normalization of 1992. It is not only it. Vietnam does not demand apology, reflection, the compensation from France which performed colonial rule more than 60 years, and France does nothing.

President Boku and the Korean public opinion (media) keep quiet in such Vietnam and a posture of France for some reason. I know it if I look France and history recognition of Vietnam in the face it is specific, and how a posture of Korea to Japan, a demand come from international common sense
Japan repeats exceptional apology, reflection, compensation globally, but Korea continues crI cannot go together in this anymoreiticizing Japan.
On September 13 several days after the visit of President Boku to Vietnam, each Korean newspaper paper reported, "the Netherlands announced apology, the compensation about the inhabitants sacrifice for the rule era in Indonesia" in an ostentatious way. I say the first apology, compensation by a prompt decision execution case in relation to an independent struggle suppression in Indonesia, but the Korea media "are contrastive with Japan which I deny war crimes, and evades compensation responsibility" and prepare it in (Dong-A-Ilbo) and the anti-Japan news.

However, I do not do apology, reflection, compensation about the Netherlands crossing Indonesia more than 300 years, and having made colonial rule at all until now. I do not mention this at all and close my eyes in an inconvenient fact and am a usual trick to connect with Japanese criticism whatever it takes.

Even if "1,000 years pass in the situation of past damage, doing damage to, I do not change", and Vietnam and the Indonesian leaders have not said to France and the Netherlands and will not say in future either. When Korea follows Vietnam and this manner - history recognition that I am resolute, and matured to be far inferior to Korea in of Indonesia economically, how about?
Sentence / Katsuhiro Kuroda = Sankei Shimbun Seoul residence special reporter
