

日本を取り巻くアジア情勢の変化 世界の情報を辛口で伝える情報部ログ 世の中はめまぐるしくかわっていきます その中で取り残されない為の情報をお伝えします Changing Asian situation surrounding Japan Tell the world information by information Department log The world is rapidly mood In order not to lag behind in its informed the <a href="https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" rel="nofollow">なんでもまとめてお売りください!宅配買取「いーあきんど」</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www19.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" alt="">

An American woman stood up in forgery charity dame propaganda

I’m sending you on materials you can know the truth with, We are facing and attacked
by Korean and Chinese with their fabricated false stories.
As you may know, Media like NHK, private TVs, Asahi News, Mainichi News and so on,
except Sankei News, are Korean/Chinese Japanese Media managed by Korean and
Chinese and they are campaigning anti-Japan and anti-Abe cabinet all the time.
So you should be careful, when you read and see Japanese media. I recommend you
that you collect news from [Sankei News] first, of which you will surprise with their contents,
But their news are very near to the truth. And also you will collect from other Japanese, after
you got news from Korean And Chinese.
I will send you more materials for your better and true understanding.

[Criminal actions which Korean have done to Japan and Japanese]

A message from Japan, T.Okumura ,(69 years old, male)

Nowadays there are so many outstanding crimes which Koreans intentionally
did to Japanese in Japan, for which some of Japanese respond naturally
and shout refusal of Koreans .
Pls refer to the criminal actions (1) to (6) hereunder Korean have done to
Japan and Japanese.

Those are, I suppose, quite natural responses because Koreans back out
international promises and common manners.
I request Korean people not to look down on Japanese and should be cool
down themselves.
Koreans news, reportedly, sent the letter to IOC and News in the world , in
which some small number of Japanese had demonstration of refusal of the
Koreans, of which their responses are, I think, quite natural because of Korean
criminal actions to Japan and Japanese in today circumstances Korean have
created intentionally like trouble-makers.

Therefore I, first of all, request Korean not to look down upon Japanese any
more and stop to educate anti-Japan to younger Korean in school any more,
and be cool down. Unless otherwise anti-Korean demonstration Korean are
claiming, will not disappear, although they are now small group, I'm afraid.
(1)[So-called Korean Forced Comfort Women]
Korean made false story fabricated to look down on Japanese to get something
from Japan and turn aside nation's anger to their Governmental mistakes from
the Government to Japan.
Pls refer to the attached file< PART-B>in more detail afterwards, of which I
sent to the editors of Washington Post.

(2)The former president of Korea occupied the Japan's territory [Takeshima
island] and he visited the island to irritate the Japanese.
(3)Korean thieves visited to steal lots of the statues( more than 200 statues)
of Buddha in the temples of Tsushima Island in Korea/Tsushima Strait, for
which Japan have requested to return them to Japan. But Korean have
refused so far because they mentioned those have been stolen from Korea
around 700-800 years ago by Japanese bandits.

(4)Several months ago a Chinese man inflamed the gate of the YASUKUNI
shrine in Tokyo and escaped to Korea. 
And he was caught there. Japanese authority requested to hand him over to
Japan because of mutual criminal exchange treaty, but they rejected and
had their own trial in Korea and decided the case to release him to China
because of his political escape.
(5)Recently there are increasing number of Korean criminals in Japan, who
raped Japanese young women and killed them afterwards.

(6)And Korean submitted the Claim letter about Japanese demonstration
against the Koreans to IOC and so on, as if they always want to be trouble-
makers or claimers.


[So-called Korean Forced Comfort Women]

A message from Japan, T.Okumura ,(69 years old, male)

<Past history of Comfort Women>, of which almost all Korean know it's notorious and
famous story.
(1)In 1993.8.4, Mr. Yohei. Kohno, a secretary to the Cabinet of Japan, announced deep
apology that a number of the Korean worked as comfort women for Japanese solders
during the War. He also commented that he couldn't find clear evidences showing forced
prostitution but he judged to apologize former Korean comfort women finally because
the Korean women were surely in sex services to Japanese soldiers during the War as
well as Japanese women and so on.

But please note that those women were just the ones who worked as office ladies
getting regular salary weekly and/or daily. Prostitutes consisting of Japanese(60%) and
Korean(40%) in china were hired by prostitution houses managed by civilian Japanese,
Korean and Chinese. Their average salary were, reportedly, more than 10 to 20 times
than average top Japanese executives in the War time.
Retired those women used to build their own big houses in their countries. Some of them
had, reportedly, 2-3 houses.

Before Kohno's judgment, some Korean contacted him to recognize the existence of
Korean forced comfort women and make payment of its compensation to the Women,
although compensation concerning the War between Japan and Korea including comfort
women thing has already made and finished. And the man contacted Mr. Kohno, committed
not to request anymore than that. And then Mr .Kohno agreed to apologize them.

(2)1-2 years ago the former Korean comfort women had very severe experience, to
whom some bad Korean men contacted in order to draw their money out because almost
all of them were rich thanks to Japanese additional compensation. Bad men persuaded
them like this way; [you have already little money for your remaining long life and you
will need more money]. The women agreed what they said..

And then bad men explained them that they need some money to go to Japan and have to
negotiate with Japan. Bad men collected some amount of big money from them totally
and disappeared suddenly.
This was very tricky and severe story for elder women. It has become very big news in
Korea because the women have been poor persons instantly. So former president
contacted Police offices to get correct information and he simply has made promise to
get such money back for the women.
The president pretended to forget all Japanese compensation has finished already, and he
visited Mr Noda, former prime minister of Japan and requested additional compensation to
the Women.
But he disagreed the president request because compensation between two nations
have already finished and he explained the president it turned to Korean domestic issues.

After that, the President has started to invade Japanese territory [Takesima island] and
prevail the word [forced comfort women] worldwide instead of pay-comfort women in the
prostitute houses in the towns managed by Korean and other nations. And they put sitting
comfort women statue in the streets in USA , and also try to put renaming the street as Korean Comfort
Korean Women in NY look down on Japanese, but he has not suceeded to get big money
from Japan yet.

Almost all Japanese and Korean know that Korean fabricated false story of forced
comfort women because Korean want to get some big money from Japan.
They just hope to get money from Japan if they could succeed to look down on
That is the reason why they are prevailing bad image of [forced comfort women] instead
of common comfort women although women denied they were forced comfort women.
Very sorry I'm not good English speaker but I hope you could understand what I mean.

[A message from Japan]

Dear Executive Office, Oakland County, Michigan

I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

According to the news, Mr. Peter Koo, a New York City Council member, is promoting a
street renaming project in Flushing, Queens, to commemorate “comfort women” and the
building of a monument there to praise them.

As you may know, so-called comfort women are the women who worked during World
War II as prostitutes for the Japanese military. This fact might sound immoral by present-
day standards, but prostitution was a legal business in those days in many countries. Even
around U.S. military bases, prostitution agents must also have existed during the periods
of Japan occupation, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

But Koreans have long been promoting a false version of history that Japan abducted
hundreds of thousands of Korean women and coerced them into sexual services for
Japanese soldiers outside of Japan during World War Ⅱ. This is, for practical and logical
reasons, a fictitious version of history.
False accusations regarding the South Korean comfort women issue have disgraced the
people of Japan for decades. As elected officials, please listen to Japanese opinions
before you condemn and humiliate our history, and then you could make your own

The following websites may help you know about the comfort women issue.

What is the“Comfort Women Issue?”


Mr.Komori of Japanese newspaper being interviewed on the comfort women issue for the
PBS series



Yes, we remember the facts”(PDF)


We Japanese, who place a high value on the importance of historical facts as well as
U.S.-Japan relationship, therefore protest decisively against “comfort women memorial”
street renaming and building of comfort women monument.
We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We hope
that you will make a truthful, fair, and objective judgment on this issue.
