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Liu Xiao wave Street in in the U.S. Bill China rallied before the Chinese Embassy in Washington

Appropriations Committee of the U.S. House of representatives passed a bill bearing the democratic activists in prison in China as Chinese Embassy before 24, Washington, d.c., is the name Liu Xiao wave Plaza is renamed. Are aimed at Tiananmen gate incident 25 years, urges China to human rights and democratization.

 Embassy address is expected to see Liu Xiao wave Plaza-1 "and if approved. Wolf Congressman (Republican) legislation, "noted Liu's name on all mail addressed to the Embassy" will be a strong message to the Chinese and stressed the significance. The Chinese Government protested the 'provocative'.

 Current name is a
International place
. Ltd. is incorporated in the State Department budget bills, the establishment requires adoption of the full House and Senate. According to Mr. Wolf, have U.S. Soviet Embassy Street was renamed dissident scientist Sakharov's name during the cold war of the 1
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