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True meaning of Korea military comfort women issue a class-action lawsuit is? Other

122 former military comfort women was forced to work in the brothel district in Korea made against us forces in June this year the base village by Korea Government make us soldiers against slavery, and manage their thoroughly, prostitution harsh country sued, lawsuit liability 1 who 10 million won (1 million yen).

Former comfort women and interviewed for the magazine she said once becoming movement over the spread of foreign media coverage, such as litigation and big swells and interesting's , 56-year-old pseudonym of this woman have not joined a plaintiff testimony.

"Didn't know so little news not reported about national liability lawsuit, plaintiffs claim"that the Government forced' is funny. No country that certainly there is prostitution, "

It's an important point. Based on knowing a lot about the comfort women issue Tokyo Christian University Professor Tsutomu Nishioka said talk.

' Legal responsibility for forced prostitution, if only managed to venereal disease examination of Korea Government was involved in the
Liability insured
. Questioned the legal liability it is evidence the same old Japan military comfort women issue, coercive military women, nothing more, it is illogical. "

In old Japan military comfort women issue, historical misinformation in the Asahi Shimbun upsurge of support activities in the wake, was subject to litigation by former comfort women became sex slaves and criticized by international institutions. Including Park Geun-Hye,  administration Korea and successive administrations in the trend, "without the evidence of forced integration is responsible for' in Japan has repeatedly criticized.

The reasoning becomes their deadly now. It's it's the America had bought of the Korea women.

According to Mr. Pak キョンス, who become base village women human rights solidarity Center to support the plaintiffs in lawsuit Affairs チュミポン (Seoul military crime eradication campaign headquarters), trial of former military comfort women is expected to start around October, but he ' exists in women are eligible to receive compensation as well even if this claim is recognized, the tens of thousands. Efforts to increase the plaintiffs also have. Trial starts newly revealed information that would ' and nod
