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Cameroon match-fixing allegations, weekly magazine sources are negative 'is a hoax"

Germany weekly magazine Der Spiegel reported on the allegations and Cameroon against the Croatia World Cup 1st League A pair by Act of match-fixing problem, became a source of article is denied coverage. One day, reported AP.

 Posted an article and that is out of the game in the first half resulted in magazine the past record of a match-fixing this person game a few hours ago Cameroon at 0-4 defeated predicted accurately. However, actual interaction was a game three days later.

 This person is surprised and shocked that trusted magazines had concocted by Exchange site Facebook.

 This coverage beginning Cameroon Soccer Federation started the survey in their own situation.
Cameroon competes in the first half, Abu Bakar (top) and Croatiaplastic niche = Manaus AP = joint
