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Comfort-women image installation "regrettable" It replies to Glendale, U.S., and Higashi-Osaka.

On the problem in which Glendale, California, U.S., installed the girl image which symbolizes comfort women in wartime, It turned out on the 30th that the reply document was sent to Higashi-Osaka from Glendale to the note of protest which Higashi-Osaka sent noting that there was description of a falsehood as if Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka, the sister city, consented to installation at the homepage (HP) of the city.
Although described "I regard as regrettable what the deep slot was able to carry out in both cities in installation of an image" by the mayor name of Glendale, the statement of HP is not described at all and written contents are not corrected still now on the 30th.
An English reply document is the 1st this month.
It was spelled "the affair of an image is a problem of Japan and South Korea, and Glendale should be attached to neither", "regretting that fellow lawmakers (Glendale) approved of image installation", etc. by Mayor Weaver name of Glendale.
Five persons' member of a city council has acted as the Ichi chief of Glendale by turns, and Mayor Weaver takes office after image installation.
The "no" vote was uniquely cast at the time of vote of the Parliament it was decided that image installation would be.
But, correction of the written contents of HP is not touched on at all by the reply document, but Section Chief Yoneda rika of the Higashi-Osaka culture international affairs division supposes "I would like to consider the future correspondences also including dissolution of a sister city tie-up."
The South Korean system organization of a spot leads an image, and it installs it on July 30.
The contents of ? etc. with which ▽ maintenance cost expressed as the sister city having an interest in installation of a monument and a commemoration thing as a background of image installation is covered by the sister city, and the falsehood are described in HP of Glendale.
Higashi-Osaka Ichi sends a note of protest to the Ichi chief on July 25 noting that he differs in the fact.
Since there was no answer, the note of protest which asks for correction of HP again on September 25 had been sent.
Higashi-Osaka Ichi concluded Glendale and a sister city tie-up in Showa 35 of his old 枚岡 (hiraoa) city days.
