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Kangwon-do located in a South Korean northeast part unveiled a plan to develop a nudist beach to East Coast and carry out test employment by 2017, on the 22nd.Two or more South Korean media reported.
Kangwon-do and ring Tokai headquarters explained the plan of nudist beach development by 2013 "The beach motion analysis and the result debrief session" of summer on the same day.
Recommendation or an object place will be selected for the city and county which wishes development of a nudist beach in next year, and it will be told to it that improving circumference environment from 2015 to 16 years in order to control illegal access from the outside etc. completes an infrastructure building operation.
It is known that already sightseeing-spot-ize the famous nudist beach of overseas, such as Canada, Australia, Greece, and users are increasing in number.Bench marking of the nudist beach currently managed in every country in the world was carried out, and it was explained that there was an intention to use a sightseeing spot.
However, if the popular sentiment which keeps excessive exposure at arm's length is taken into consideration, it is concluded that the nudist beach realization in the country is opaque.
Until now, although the Kangwon-do Takajo County tended to develop the nudist beach only for a woman in 2005, it is said that the opposition from residents blank-paper-ized violently.Moreover, although Jiangling examined the proposal which develops the nudist beach of a beach in the same year, it ended in failure by the opposite public opinion of being premature.Furthermore, although Cheju Island also considered nudist beach establishment for management activation 2009 of a beach, it stopped after all.
On the South Korean Internet, it is said that "free is sex-crimes Heaven", "our country being still premature", and the opinion "nudist beach development on our national emotion is difficult" went up.
The Kangwon-do ring Tokai headquarters is expected to develop a nudist beach gradually in consideration of a civic reaction, forming sympathy.Moreover, it is supposed that the representation beach by which each beaches, such as a familial form, a sweetheart type, a pet stay type, and a nudist beach, are characterized will be scheduled to be developed according to tourist's kind