

日本を取り巻くアジア情勢の変化 世界の情報を辛口で伝える情報部ログ 世の中はめまぐるしくかわっていきます その中で取り残されない為の情報をお伝えします Changing Asian situation surrounding Japan Tell the world information by information Department log The world is rapidly mood In order not to lag behind in its informed the <a href="https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" rel="nofollow">なんでもまとめてお売りください!宅配買取「いーあきんど」</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www19.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=3BDZ68+72TSYA+4IRQ+5YJRM" alt="">

In Xinjiang in checkpoint attack, police officer five killings? 

U.S. Government based broadcaster Radio Free Asia is 23 days ago in the Khotan area of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, South China 20, early in the morning, someone group crossings stormed, killing 5 policemen reported. Local officials and residents said clearly.

 Stabbed to death two policemen with a knife group, said was burned to death and another three later slept at checkpoints. Also fled a group I, including identity unknown.

 In the autonomous region had happened on 21 in the Kashgar area attacked the building of the Public Security Bureau of the local mob group, detonated the explosive device. Could local Uighur residents was restless oppressive minority policy of the Government and the ethnic conflict there in the b

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