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It is destroyed 45,000 people by People's Liberation Army corruption spread

Found that 45000 people among China's leader, XI Jinping President shouts elimination of corruption such as bribery, in the power base of the XI can be said Chinese people Liberation Army in rampant corruption, for one year alone, including officer ranking of more than 760 people on charges including corruption and discipline violations last year executives were disposed. Aircraft on paper 'Liberation Army daily' (electronic edition) reported.

 Also, the newspaper and announced measures to crack down on luxury ban Ordinance violations in the army take measures 'the waste on the tongue to break off military division is heading out on one side, vividly reveals that XI Jinping leaders struggle with the corruption rampant in the army.

 (Electronic version) article at 6/18, heading "Army corrupt absolutely not to miss out the', was posted as a news site articles.

While I write, "a null bee causes a soldier more than 430 years ago, and the article unified Nuzhen families" the beginning and it is just and sails it up to Akiyo (1368 through 1644), and tomorrow morning enlarges census registers and maps, I point out, what was destroyed for (1644 through 1912) for the Qing dynasty "is because a flag officer works hard at injustice moneymaking, and the soldier regrets a life, and corruption soaked to marrow in the military". The Qing dynasty is eroded by the Western Great Powers, and it proclaims that it was not able to make use of light の lesson for corruption to have been defeated by war with Japan.
When the reason why the Communist Party beat Kuomintang saying that I hated corruption of the armed forces from a lesson of the many history very much was that the Communist Party was more honest than Kuomintang dyed for corruption, the Chinese Communist Party concluded it.
