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It's not unstoppable Korean life rescue, public murder

Suspected were sending industrial compressed air contaminated with impurities, such as carbon monoxide air injection work are survivors of ship sinking accident in Korea passenger ship sewolin the submerged air reservoir and the Korea Government rescue teams went onboard the fatal human found.

 Divers took part in the work's testimony revealed that opposition lawmakers. Reported independent news sites had been used small air compressor industrial air cannot be injected only about 5 cubic meters per minute.

 Promise sank next day 4/17, Park Geun-Hye, President put air on board in front of the families of missing persons. 18 month marine police started putting air in the family explained.

 But air was injected in the story the divers was to contaminated by impurities in the compression process, used jackhammers and spray paint for, instead of breathing for one industrial.
