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I obtain the Japanese argument document for "the charity dame =-related slave"

The acquisition United Nations report "is unfair", and "distortion" and the criticism withdraw the Japanese argument document for "the charity dame =-related slave", too

I quoted Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kawano statement in 5, Heisei (1993) year in acknowledgment of the forced nature of the recruitment of charity dames, and the Sankei Shimbun obtained the argument document which I withdrew immediately while Japanese Government submitted it to Commission on Human Rights (the existing human rights board of directors) once on 31st about "Sex slave " and Coomaraswamy report" in February, 96 when I authorized it that a charity dame was taken. "It is extremely unfair" and "is full of guesses with irresponsibility", and the document criticized a report strictly when "equal to distorted (heated) music (きょく) of the history", but it is with "the argument document of the illusion" for secrecy.
A document is all page 42 with a thing gathered up in March, 96 when Coomaraswamy report was submitted to the United Nations human rights committee just after that. About the reason that I withdrew, I state, the plural diplomatic sources "are because they were concerned that they may rather raise an argument of the issue of charity dame by arguing".
The report authorized forcible escort as grounds by Kawano statement while pointing out, the evidence of the forcible escort "was based on oral testimony of victim oneself exclusively" without being found.

 In contrast, the argument document emphasizes Coomaraswamy report with "exaggerations subjective everywhere" based on "the prejudice". Because I quoted the writing of the Seiji Yoshida and others who testified falsely when I engaged in labor procurement in Shimonoseki all over George Hicks and the wartime of the Australian journalist with many errors that a report was clear and gathered charity dames in "slave hunting", "it was uncritical and criticized the document which you should not originally depend on with adoption".

About the legal argument, I assumed that a report demanded legal responsibility of Japan "interpretation of the wrong international law" and turned it down with "a politics claim based on the arbitrariness (spread)-like interpretation not to quite consist legally".
After withdrawal, I explained the actions of the woman fund that I supported to a former charity dame of Asia, and the Japanese Government replaced an argument document with "the Japanese measure" that deleted the description for the negation of the report and a document to do.
The evaluation of the United Nations human rights committee to a part about the issue of charity dame of the report remained for "a notice" (take notebook). The person concerned with then Japanese Government told, I showed an opinion that he/she treated it of the non-adoption and "put a limit talk globally" in a fact, but the fact misconception of the report was not corrected.
◇ Coomaraswamy  report
The report which woman lawyer from Sri Lanka appointed by a "violence special report official for the woman" of the Commission on Human Rights, Mr. Radhika Coomaraswamy visited Japan and Korea and heard it from war victim and others and gathered up. An agent came in North Korea and investigated it. The description about the charity dame was attached for "statute 1". I urge six items including acceptance of the legal responsibility and the compensation to a victim for Japanese Government.



「慰安婦=性奴隷」に対する日本の反論文書を入手 国連報告は「不当」「歪曲」と批判も撤回











Kyoto University and a zoo of cooperation reinforcement Aichi, Inuyama "monkey center"


Visitor center = Inuyama-shi, Aichi of "the Japanese monkey center" that would be run in cooperation with Kyoto University

The zoo "Japan monkey center fielder" who was specialized in a monkey of Inuyama-shi, Aichi announced that Professor Tetsuro Matsuzawa of adjacent Kyoto University Primate Research Institute took office as Manager center from April to strengthen cooperation with Kyoto University. According to Kyoto University, it is unusual for a university researcher to be concerned with the administration of the zoo.
A zoo specialized in the world's largest monkey that the center fielder can observe the habits of the primate of approximately 70 kinds of approximately 990 including a chimpanzee and the gorilla. Manager Matsuzawa tells, "the study that compared the various kinds of primates is enabled".
The center was established in 1956, and a subsidiary of Nagoya Railroad (Nagoya-shi) ran it substantially with the amusement park in the same site, but a person of entering a kindergarten decreased, and a severe financial condition continued. The public interest foundation which just started in April would run it separately from an amusement park and changed the system.
According to the center, I locate five curator and others with the degree of the doctor newly at a zoo registered for scientific study alone as a museum in the country and lay emphasis on an investigation and a study.


京大と動物園が連携強化 愛知・犬山の「モンキーセンター」所長に松沢教授就任











"Prostitute campaign to collect signatures ... that a charity dame is voluntary" "is false" and widens a ripple in Korea

"Prostitute campaign to collect signatures ... that a charity dame is voluntary" "is false" and widens a ripple in Korea



I widen the "prostitute campaign to collect signatures ... "falsehood だ" ripple that a charity dame is voluntary" in Korea
What is performed on the Internet in the country becomes clear on 11th, and, according to the Korean plural media, a campaign to collect signatures to insist that a charity dame "is the woman who sold herself voluntarily" opens a ripple about the issue of charity dame of the former Japan forces. It is said that the Internet user developing a campaign to collect signatures is going to submit the signature that gathered to Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The campaign to collect signatures that I titled it when "I will stop telling a lie further for the world" is performed in the specialized site that a certain net user established from 8th. When it was written down in the charity dame report which the United States Armed Forces made in Pacific War those days that a salary of a charity dame having been the offer of the application system and the moon average was 700-1500 yen, I explained it.
Again then Keijo daily report introduce an article of the news every day. I said, "there was the advertisement that the Japanese military recruited charity dames formally" from the contents and insisted with "the prostitution nations where Korea was traditional".
The number of the signatures is 665 people as of 5:00 on the afternoon of 12th. The users who signed sent comment to support activity, "I clarified the truth of the charity dame" that "I could not change the historic fact".
According to the Korean media, the site widens a ripple in Korea and many users "spread a false fact (former charity dame) and injure the honor of grandmother". It is said that I expose it being necessary to identify birth and parentage, and to punish it and anger. (an editor:) Yu Shinkawa) (the photograph gives "CNSPHOTO".) The photography on March 27, 2013 state) in front of the Korean Japanese Embassy
