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スー・チー女史は日本人? 慰安婦像設置にかかわる中国青年の得意顔









海江田代表、米国で“告げ口外交”を展開 首相の靖国参拝や歴史認識を批判


 。An aim to say to spread the bad-mouth of the own country government around in other countries, and to exert the presence of own and party. It is the manner that forgot that it was the Democratic Party government era in the daytime that Japan-Korea relations turned worse



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Lai Đại Hàn ...Unknown cruelty of Korea

Lai Đại Hàn

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The term Lai Dai Han (or sometimes Lai Daihan/Lai Tai Han) (lai Đại Hàn in Vietnamese : pronounced [laːi ɗâˀi hâːn]; Korean: 라이따이한) is a Vietnamese term for a mixed ancestry person born to a South Korean father and a Vietnamese mother (including the victims of Korean soldiers) during the Vietnam War. The term, and awareness of this legacy, was publicised in Korea in the 1990s and 2000s as Korea increasingly had investment and business contacts with Vietnam. Lai Dai Han is a term that refers to children who are the result of consensual sex with or rape of local Vietnamese woman by Korean soldiers of Republic of Korea Armed Forces when Republic of Korea (hereafter, Korea) sent troops to the Vietnam War. Lai Dai Han have been marginalized and persecuted since South Korean troops withdrew from the Vietnam War under Paris Peace Accords, and they left behind the collapse of South Vietnam. Lai Dai Han have been treated as children of enemy forces.[1] Vietnamese-Korean mixed children who were born after South Korea and Vietnam resumed economic exchange in 1992 are often called "new Lai Dai Han


The noun or adjective lai (chữ nôm: ) can mean any hybrid, including an animal or tree, but in this context is a scornful word,[1] meaning "mixed blood." "Đại Hàn" (hán tự: 大韓) was the then standard Vietnamese term for South Korea (equivalent to Korean Daehan, hangul: 대한 hanja: 大韓), though today "Hàn Quốc" (Korean Hanguk) is more common. Since "lai" is offensive the term "lai Đại Hàn" itself does not appear in official Vietnamese sources, except in relation for example to the name of the South Korean film "Lai Đại Hàn."[2]

At the time, Park Chung-hee’s regime of South Korea was the anticommunist national policy and promoted troops appealing sympathy as a divided nation. Ahn Sung-ki points out “since I was born a man, there was the ethos that I have to go to the battlefield once.” [3] South Korean military sent troops to South Vietnam totaling 310,000 people forming two divisions plus one brigade. I counted 50,000 people in its heyday. In addition, the industry, civilian immigrants, and capital that has been banking on the Vietnam special procurement has also advanced. They, nearly 20,000 people, went to Vietnam in its heyday.[4] It is said Korean military also slaughtered the Vietnamese in excess of 300,000 people in one theory and n Vietnam, some people claim to have vowed to build a monument in each village, and are not going to forget the atrocities and the existence of Lai Dai Han. They were born between the Vietnamese women and Korean men under those severe

Korea where German SS Troops is more than it in cruelty
I murdered the child pregnant woman unconcernedly
circumstances.[4] Repatriation by civilians and migrant soldiers to South Korea reached 20% of the foreign exchange revenue of Korea in 1969 counted 100 million to 20 million a year. In addition to this repatriation, the funds that are established by the military and economic aid by the United States, as well as the aids based upon Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea became the basis for Miracle on the Han River.

Vietnamese-Korean mixed children[edit]

The fathers include both members of the South Korean military and Korean workers who were stationed in Vietnam during the War. The children were usually abandoned by their fathers.[5] The Viet Cong registered a complaint during the war that South Koreans were abducting and raping large numbers of Vietnamese women.[6]

Causes and the number of Lai Dai Han[edit]

The exact number of Lai Daihan is unknown. According to Busan Ilbo, there are at least 5,000 and as many as 30,000.[1] According to Maeil Business, there are 1,000 at most.[7] According to Park Oh-soon, the number of Korean-Vietnamese fathered not by Korean soldiers but by Korean workers stationed in Vietnam during the War is probably 10,000.[8] The causes of the Lai Daihan problem include, rape,[9] and the desertion of the children.[1]

It’s been reported that 1,500 (Asahi Shimbun · May 2, 1995), Two thousand (jp: 野村進), Minimum five thousand (Busan Ilbo),[1] 7,000, 1 million or more(jp:名越二荒之助,[10] Maximum 30,000 people (Busan Ilbo).[1] He or she does not have a memory of his or her father, and can’t speak Korean. Only the photos are the memories that are left for them.[11] There are also claims that they are intended to hide as Vietnamese-Korean mixed children.[10] There is also criticism that the number of Vietnamese-Korean mixed children is swollen because aid organizations supported before accurate research was done.[12] Several things have been said about the allegations that Korean soldiers raped Vietnamese women, and civilians and soldiers who married Vietnamese women then irresponsibly returned to Korea throwing away his wife and children. also, there is the opinion that since there are so many beautiful Vietnamese, most women were forced to be comfort women. (Non-management prostitution) [10][13] But according to the broadcast that was released by The National Liberation Front for South Vietnam (Viet Cong), it is a fact that the assaults to women and children in Vietnam, massacre, and torture by Korean military were reported every day.[10] A common point to the testimony of survivors of assault and massacre by South Korean troops everywhere are listed rape of Vietnamese women.[14] As it entered into the maintenance phase of security after the end of war or combat, the Korean military finally tried to discipline their soldiers' behavior. Soldiers who joined Capital Mechanized Infantry Division (Republic of Korea), 2nd Marine Division (Republic of Korea), 9th Infantry Division (Republic of Korea) and so on were frequently court-martialed because of the rape of Vietnamese women in villages.[15]。On the other hand, it supposed that, because Korean soldiers returned home without taking care of both their wife and child in Vietnam, Military headquarters also forced those soldiers to re-deploy to Vietnam and to get married.[15] There is no compensation from South Korea yet.

<------------------------------As for the slaughter of the Korean military, the Jewish above-mentioned cruelty fact of German Nazi is not hidden
I am going to look down on Japan in charity dames
"It is rye die Kahn Museum" in the United States---------------------

Lai Đại Hàn

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Lai Đại Hàn hay con rơi Đại Hàn là một từ dùng để chỉ những người sinh ra trong chiến tranh Việt Nam với bố là người Hàn Quốc còn mẹ là người Việt Nam. Người cha có thể là binh lính trong Quân đội Hàn Quốc hoặc công nhân Hàn Quốc đóng quân ở Việt Nam trong cuộc chiến. Những đứa trẻ thường là bị bỏ rơi bởi cha chúng.[1]

Lai đôi khi là từ mang ý khinh bỉ.[2]

Ước đoán[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

Không có con số chính xác về số người Lai Đại Hàn. Theo Busan Ilbo, có tối thiểu 5000 và tối đa 30.000 người.[2] Còn theo Maeil Business, có tối đa 1000 người[3] Theo Park Oh-soon, số người lai Việt-Hàn có cha không phải là binh lính Hàn Quốc mà là công nhân Hàn Quốc xấp xỉ con số 10.000 người[4].

Những nguyên nhân của vấn đề Lai Đại Hàn gồm có hiếp dâm[5] và việc những đứa con bị bỏ lại sau chiến tranh.[2] Tính hung bạo của Quân đội Hàn Quốc vẫn được biết đến ở Việt Nam. Tờ báo Hankyoreh từng nhắc đến việc quân đội Hàn Quốc tàn sát thường dân Việt Nam (대량학살)[6]. Quân đội Hàn Quốc đã tàn sát hơn 300.000 người Việt trong suốt chiến tranh Việt Nam[7][cần số trang].<----------------After having raped it in a group, in fact, to conceal it
The Vietnamese woman who is shot dead


.韓国人 ベトナム戦争の蛮行知らないのは「言論封殺」の結果


















