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今回信長公が 築城から 450年が経ち
各種の記念イベントと開催してきました 8月には武将隊によるイベントを実施してきました 今回今年最後となる小牧山城記念事業を小牧市市民会館にて12月21、22、23日 3日間イベントを行います
尚当日は会場周辺は交通規制が実施されます 来場予定されている方は
会場には駐車場がありません 市役所駐車場を利用してください
会場には駐車台数に限りがあります 当日は渋滞が予想されますので 公共交通機関をご利用ください
交通規制時間 17:00~21:00
12月22 入場料無料の 小牧山城夢物語 市民劇を小牧市民会館で開催します
開演時間 1300ー1600 戦国の世 織田信長公の夢の演劇です

アクセスガイド 海外からは 中部国際空港ー電車名鉄特急で約30分ー名古屋駅名古屋市営地下鉄・小牧線約40分ー名鉄小牧駅ー徒歩8分ー小牧市民会館



Komaki Yamashiro castillo evento de la empresa de conmemoración 450-year de construcción - de - a -

Komaki Yamashiro que es dicho para Nobunaga Oda que se queda en historia de Japón en Komaki - shi, Aichi haber construido por primera vez a Komaki - shi, a Aichi
Este público de Nobunaga de tiempo de la construcción de un castillo que 450 años pasan y Komaki sujeta con varios clases de eventos de conmemoración desde el comienzo de este año en la conmemoración de él(ella/eso) él vino.   El evento por una fiesta general será llevado en agosto vino.   Está en el Komaki cívico salón sobre 21, 22, y 23 de diciembre sobre la Komaki Yamashiro empresa de conmemoración que se desempeña como el último este año esta vez. Además lleva a cabo un evento durante tres días, en cuanto a la circunferencia del salón, la limitación de tráfico es llevada en el día.   En cuanto a la dirección por la que el programa de asistencia es llevado, una playa de estacionamiento no está ubicada en el salón.   Una playa de estacionamiento de la oficina de ciudad es usada dar el tiempo de restricción de tráfico de - hay una limitación en el salón en el número del estacionamiento desde el tráfico la congestión es esperada en el día usar una instalación de transporte público por favor - por favor17:00?21:00
The place which a bicycle stops the extraordinary parking lot for bicycles which is not in the hall please use -- 12 month 22 Admission fee no charge The Komaki Yamashiro empty dream A civic drama Curtain time held in the Komaki civic hall 1300-1600 World of the Warring States Komaki Yamashiro which is the theater of the dream of the Nobunaga Oda public is the first castle for Nobunaga Oda to build, and is called prototype of construction of a castle of the castle in Japan, and the first castle town by Nobunaga by the Komaki Yamashiro excavation investigation in recent years currently fixed intentionally to on the south [ of the Komaki mountain ] The stone wall elaborately built by the Komaki mountains top is checked, and it supposes whether to be a castle used as the model which develops into the castle surrounded by a fortress in history of Japan and the stone wall of the Edo period, and has become the big center of attention focusing on the specialist.
El acceso sirve de guía a del Meitetsu especial expreso de aeropuerto internacional - tren de Chubu - aproximadamente 30 nombre diminuto - Nagoya - de - el - estación [en el extranjero] Furuya municipal dirección - el subterráneo y Komaki bordean aproximadamente 40 Meitetsu Komaki estación Komaki cívico salón - a pie 8 minuto - de - minuto -
Condene injustamente - centro de Nagoya de Nozomi aproximadamente 100 - minuto de estación - Shinkansen de Tokio - estación de Komaki de aproximadamente 40 - minuto - Meitetsu de línea de subterráneo y Komaki de Nagoya - a pie sobre Komaki cívico salón 8 minuto
Condene injustamente a - Shin - Nozomi de Osaka - Shinkansen sobre estación de Nagoya 50 minuto - el subterráneo de Nagoya y la línea de Komaki sobre - Meitetsu Komaki estación - 40 minuto a pie sobre Komaki cívico salón 8 minuto


Event Komaki Yamashiro construction-of-a-castle 450 years

It remains in history of Japan in Komaki-shi, Aichi.
Komaki Yamashiro which is said for Nobunaga Oda to have built for the first time to Komaki-shi, Aichi
this time Nobunaga public   From construction of a castle   450 years pass.
Commemorating it, Komaki is from the start of this year.
It has held with various kinds of commemoration events.   The event by a general party has been carried out in August.   It is in the Komaki civic hall on December 21, 22, and 23 about the Komaki Yamashiro commemoration enterprise which serves as the last this year this time. An event is performed for three days.
in addition, as for the circumference of the hall, traffic restriction is carried out on the day   As for the direction by which the attendance schedule is carried out, a parking lot is not located at the hall.   please use a city office parking lot -- there is a limitation in the hall at the number of parking   Since traffic congestion is expected on the day   Please use a public transportation facility.
Traffic restriction time 17:00?21:00
the place which a bicycle stops is not in the hall, either -- please use an extraordinary parking lot for bicycles -- 12 month 22 Admission fee no charge   The Komaki Yamashiro empty dream   a civic drama is held in the Komaki civic hall -- curtain time 1300-1600 World of the Warring States   Nobunaga Oda -- it is the theater of a public dream
Komaki Yamashiro is the first castle for Nobunaga Oda to build, and is called prototype of construction of a castle of the castle in Japan.
Moreover, the stone wall with which the first castle town by Nobunaga was elaborately built by the Komaki mountains top by the Komaki Yamashiro excavation investigation in recent years currently fixed intentionally is checked by on the south [ of the Komaki mountain ],
It supposes whether to be a castle used as the model which develops into the castle surrounded by a fortress in history of Japan and the stone wall of the Edo period, and has become the big center of attention focusing on the specialist.
access guide   From [ overseas ]   the Chubu international airport-train Meitetsu special express -- about 30 minute-Nagoya name-of-the-station Furuya municipal management -- subway and Komaki line about 40-minute-Meitetsu Komaki Station-on foot 8-minute-Komaki civic hall
Railroad-Tokyo Station-Shinkansen Nozomi about 100-minute Nagoya Station - Nagoya subway and Komaki line about 40-minute-Meitetsu Komaki Station-on foot about 8-minute Komaki civic hall
Railroad-Shin-Osaka-Shinkansen Nozomi about 50-minute Nagoya Station - Nagoya subway and Komaki line about 40-minute-Meitetsu Komaki Station-on foot about 8-minute Komaki civic hall
