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Spain courts and former PRC President Jiang Zemin -- arrest warrant China -- it opposes violently

Spain courts and former PRC President Jiang Zemin -- arrest warrant   China -- it opposes violently

Former PRC President

Jiang Zemin


the national precinct court in Spain is the suspicion which participated in 19 days and the Tibet fellows slaughter in China -- former PRC President Jiang Zemin (87) and former Prime Minister Li Peng -- (-- a five-person (85) and others) arrest warrant was sent.
The measure which received accusation of the human rights organization of Spain which supports the Tibet fellows.
On the other hand, it blamed saying Hóng LěiPress secretary
of the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the press conference on the 20th, and "expresses intense dissatisfaction and the decisive contrary", and it was warned that it might have a bad influence on bilateral relation.
According to the report from Spain, the human rights organization had filed the criminal complaint with the exile Tibetan with the Spain nationality in 2006.
In accusation, it claims to the Tibet fellows in the 1980?90s, "Genocide (massacre), torture, etc. were performed."
They are three persons (the management of the Communist Party of China where that the arrest warrant appeared in others takes charge of national security police authorities of those days or Tibet).
It was indicated that five persons took into consideration "the political and military responsibility" which was being borne those days, and also a court was suspected of having participated in the slaughter.
On the other hand, Hóng LěiPress secretary insists "Foreign Tibet independent influence flew the false rumor repeatedly, and insulted and attacked the Chinese government, and it has planned to destroy the relation between China and a countries-concerned house."
"A mistaken determination" was changed into the Spain side and it was required that "what spoils a relation with China" should not be done.
In Spain, about the crime against humanity, even if it is a foreign incident, a jurisdiction is in the court of the country.
The Pinochet former president of the dust military government age received the request of Spain in 98, and it was arrested in Britain.
However, Britain did not hand a person but made it go back for reasons of a former president's health those days.
Former Chairman Ko is not actually arrested, as long as it is in China.
However, the human rights organization which charged is estimating judgment of this court "is one big step."



It is an arrest warrant to Mr. Jiang Zemin. The China media, disregard He is anxious under the authorities and the influence on domestic.

It is an arrest warrant to Mr. Jiang Zemin.   The China media, disregard   He is anxious under the authorities and the influence on domestic.
China each paper dated the 21st ignored the news which sent the arrest warrant by suspicion to which the national precinct court in Spain participated in the Tibet fellows slaughter in five persons (former PRC President Jiang Zemin).
The China Ministry of Foreign Affairs which expressed "intense dissatisfaction" at the press conference on the 20th did not publish the exchange about an arrest warrant to the official site of the Internet, either.
About this arrest warrant sent based on the Tibet fellows' opinion, the authorities are expected to be anxious so that influence may not spread at home.

On the other hand, although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs press secretary warned that this measure might have a bad influence on China and Spain relations at the interview on the 20th, According to the Chinese news agency for older-generation overseas Chinese, and China News Service, Chinese newspaper of Spain and Europe sinter reportshowed concern frequently about the situation where since last year and the anti-inside feeling of the Spain inside have already increased.

While jobless people break through 6 million people in Spain which fell into the economic crisis around from 2008 temporarily according to 欧華報, the China system immigration which performs a restaurant, a general store, etc. increases.
It will be said that the number of registration persons of the China system whose number was about 20,000 was doubled in May, this year in May, 08.
The paper will assume in July "Although the Spain political and business circles have tried to call in investment of Chinese people, the Spain society is urging it for Chinese people to return to China", and it will be indicated that the criticism to the China system has become strong among the Spain people troubled with depression.
moreover, the television station in Spain broadcasts the program which suggests "human flesh" use of a Chinese restaurant, and it will be said in April that it developed into the protest demonstration by the China system immigrations


江沢民氏に逮捕状 中国メディア、黙殺 当局、国内への影響で苦慮





小笠原の噴火、新島できたら命名どうする? 日本の領土どう認定?











自民から共産支持者まで 主流になってきた「河野談話ノー」
















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