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韓国を信頼し『公正・冷静に語れる人を』と言い韓国は約束した 慰安婦問題

韓国を信頼し『公正・冷静に語れる人を』と言い韓国は約束した 約束反古当たり前の国
それをまともに信じてしまう 国が日本です  国ができてから2000年 国土を植民地化され
国王を承認してもらわなければ国が成り立たないのと国名が決められず宗主国に朝鮮と言う国名を決めてもらいハッタリと嘘で生きて国が韓国です そんな国相手にまともに信じる方が異常か売国奴です




























Korea, abnormal situation (2/2 page) including the financial combine failure appearing in succession corporate bond "paper waste" concern top arrest

Korea, abnormal situation (2/2 page) including the financial combine failure appearing in succession corporate bond "paper waste" concern top arrest

a won bill that a Korean worker holds in a hand. The Korean financial combine falls into a difficult situation by weak yen strong won (Reuters);
A serious accident is taking place recently in the corporate group called "a financial combine" controlling economy of Korea. The cases such as the arrest of bankruptcy and the top of the financial combine occur successively. The export that became the growth engine of the economy of Korea fails to rise, and the domestic demand is sluggish, and the debt that a financial combine holds traces the course of the expansion while external environment is severe. The crisis of the financial combine seems to reveal darkness of the economy of Korea.
Korean nucleus financial combine, affiliates five of the Orient group occurred successively in after the end of September and performed procedure application of the legal management (equivalent to the Japanese Company Resuscitation Law) in the court in the Seoul city. The group deals with the business such as cement or the household appliance, and I have surfaced in the fifth place of the Korean financial combine once, but it is said that it might be dismantled by a legal liquidation.
This failed drama becomes the big social problem in Korea. Because group companies are the failed one which put a corporate bond and commercial paper (CP) on sale to an individual investor until just before that. According to the local news, approximately 40,000 investors who jumped at 8% a year of high yields products leave the amount of publication with 2 trillion won (approximately 180 billion yen) in total, and the fear that these become the paper waste appears.
I say (domestic financial institution economist) who "was precarious day-to-day management to publish a corporate bond and the CP of high yields for the repayment fund of the corporate bond which I published before newly", and the structure resembles a problem and the conservation product that it is in China.

In the financial combine presenting plural companies by whole families management, presence by the economy of Korea is extremely big including the largest Samsung group and Hyundai Motors group of the second place.

It is considered that there is the financial combine more than 40 including a thing having a small scale, but I fall into a management crisis, and the case which failed is not only Orient group. In last October, the bear Tsu (yes gin) group of the new financial combine which spread by active mergers and acquisitions (merger, the purchase) was bankrupted virtually. STX group of the Korean thirteenth place to unfold mainly on shipbuilding and the shipping trade was at a loss for management and, in this May, entered under the management of the bank
The above economist comments on the background in this way.

By "the growth that export with weak won as a weapon was led, each financial combine group ran for the extended competition of the scale". However, the export slows down by the slowdown of the China's economy and begins to fall off the group with a large amount of debt

After last November, weak yen and the strong won that received monetary easing expectation of Japan advance, and the environment surrounding the financial combine group adds to strictness remarkably.
The alliance news reported the data which the total of the obligation of 30 Korean financial combines grew than 575 trillion won (approximately 52 trillion yen) and double from 261 trillion won (approximately 23 trillion yen) of 2007 at the end of 12. The failed Orient group greatly deteriorated financial standing, too.

By the topic except the management side, the financial combine disturbs the world. People from person of establishment of a business of the financial combine are subject to criminal charge in succession.

A prison sentence was given to the brothers of SK group's chairperson and the vice-chairperson of the Korean third place to deal with information and communication and oil, a chemical allied enterprise each in Seoul High Court saying that I diverted the fund of the company to personal investment.
In the relatives of Samsung group's chairperson, a different financial combine, the chairperson of CJ group are prosecuted for big sum tax evasion. After a prison sentence was announced at an appeal court of the breach of trust, Kahn F group's chairperson becomes the restoration in the Supreme Court.
Besides, the top and the executive of the financial combine are prosecuted, but the one which it is in in the background lets you enlarge business without an end and is that a feeling of dissatisfaction of the nation to the financial combine pressing the management of the medium and small-sized business increases.

In form to draw up such dissatisfaction, it was the Park Geun Hye President that I advocated financial combine reform by a catch phrase of "the economic democratization", and acquired the government. However, it is necessary to borrow the power of the financial combine to steal out of slump of the economy, and I appeal to the major financial combine group for investment in July a half year later, and the economic democratization does not advance from the government start.

The export of September declined from a year earlier after an interval of 1.5% decrease and three months even if I examined recent economic indicators. If the amount of import of September decreases by 3.6%, a weakness of the domestic demand appears.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) revised the prediction of the growth rate of 2014 in Korea downward by latest World Economic Outlook in 3.7% from 3.9% as of July. A series of financial combine crises suggest opacity in the future of the economy.



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The carcinogenic mold poison detection to include of the middle domestic production peanuts "natural world worst

The carcinogenic mold poison detection to include of the middle domestic production peanuts "natural world worst There is it in the pasts such as "poisonous gyozas" from China, but why is the Japanese afraid of Chinese-produced food? It is because the situation of the meal pollution in China is really random. Kaori Fukushima of a journalist knowing a lot about China reveals a recent "ton demonstration story". News surprised at around the food is reported almost every day in China". I pretended the dead flesh of the mouse which I killed in a raticide in spring to be mutton and it was cheap on a street and sold it, and the man who ate the meat was carried to the hospital of Beijing for a poisoning symptom. A rose sprinkles a hormone drug on a blue mango and makes yellow, and a supplier using the industrial copper sulfate is arrested by pidan, and the pollution of the meal turns worse more and more This is not someone else's problem for a Japanese. The Chinese contaminated food latest violation list (later description) which "woman seven" made pulled out a violation product name and a violation toxicity material among the middle domestic production import goods which food hygiene law violation was found in after this March. From the list that a familiar item equals tea, the dining table including beans around frozen food, depth of "the darkness" that Chinese food has is indicated. Masayuki Ogura of the journalist points it out by an author of (Shinnihon publishing company) "to follow the food safety in this way" in this way. "The toxic material which is outstanding in a list of this magazine is Escherichia coli, but this is an index to express a hygiene state of the food". I work without washing a hand in the restroom of the factory and am detected when the handling of the food is extremely insanitary. The aflatoxin detected by peanuts molds, and is poison, and is said, "the natural world is the worst"; is strong; cause cancer. It is the toxicity that is much stronger than dioxin (Ogura) フィプロニル detected by oolong tea brings diarrhea and vomiting with kind of the insecticide. Besides, it is the weed killer and pesticides on parade more than the standard values. Violation was caught in the thing which I nominated for the face. However, it is still early to be relieved. This is because it does not prevent all at the water's edge. As for Ogura, "the quarantine inspection system of the country finishes being called a colander The monitoring inspection" that "the country performs pulls out some samples of import goods and inspects the remainder with distributing it". In other words when violation was found, the food has been already sold in a market, and it may be said in our stomach. In the first place I carry out the examination of quarantine inspection of Japan only to 10% among food imports, and the food of remainder 90% enters the country by a no check. It is the very weak quarantine inspection system (Ogura) The food imported from China by Japan accounts for 4,000,000t a year, 10% or more of import ingredients now. I beat, and the possibility that I eat middle domestic production before we know it is considerably high in 90% for a noninterference state. The following lists are small portions of the Chinese contaminated food which a violation toxicity material detected. Large drop of peanut / aflatoxin (mold poison) Seed / saic Ramin acid (artificial sweetener) of the watermelon which I parched Peanut / aflatoxin (mold poison), TBHQ (antioxidant) which I parched Brown sugar peanut / aflatoxin (mold poison) Freshness marrow cabbage / hexachlorobenzene (sterilizer) Freshness burdock / (sterilizer) Oolong tea / (insecticide), (insecticide), professional femme (weed killer) Oolong tea extract powder / saic Ramin acid (artificial sweetener) Tomato tea / sulphur dioxide (bleach) Pork slice / saic Ramin acid (artificial sweetener) Pig ginger firing pack / coliform bacterium delicacy () / coliform bacterium Charcoal fire firing oxtongue slice / coliform bacterium Boiling Carve; an octopus/ coliform bacterium A frozen slice is Rei (edible life) / coliform bacterium Close frozen slice flatfish kombu; slice / coliform bacterium Frozen shishamo smelt sweet sake airing / coliform bacterium Frozen Cuttlefish / bacteria Frozen green soybean / DIFENOCONAZOLE(insecticide), coliform bacterium Frozen Brassica rapa var. perviridis / Escherichia coli freezing onion / bacteria ※Extract close for Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare "food hygiene law violation examples from March to September in 2,013 such as food imports"


中国産ピーナッツ類 「自然界最悪」の発がん性含むカビ毒検出

中国産の「毒餃子」などの過去はあれど、なぜ、日本人は中国産食品を恐れるのか。それは、中国内の食汚染の状況が実にデタラメだからだ。 中国に詳しいジャーナリストの福島香織さんが最近の “トンデモ話”を明かす。












冷凍こまつな/大腸菌 冷凍たまねぎ/細菌



米とは違う見解が必要な日韓関係 北朝鮮崩壊後に備えよ

















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