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There was the opinion which "the modernization in Korea was late for by the rule in Japan", but Japan made the railroad

There was the opinion which "the modernization in Korea was late for by the rule in Japan", but Japan made the railroad

The issue of charity dame, the Takeshima illegality occupation, crib industry … … The Japan-Korea relations follow a course of the aggravation by "the lie" that Korea followed. I make a special feature about the lie in international information magazine "SAPIO". I introduce a part of the article written about a historical issue in a special feature. Korea tells, "the modernization was late by the rule of Japan" at school, but Masanori Mizuma of the journalist clarifies the truth in the Japanese rule times. An iron bridge and the railroad will watch the hit that who made.

It was "Shimonoseki Treaty" (Sino-Japanese peace treaty) that Japan won against Sino-Japanese War, and it concluded that I let you recognize Korea which was a Chinese dependency as an independent country (April, 1895). "The Korea country real scenery" published in 1892 gathered up the photograph which Buichi Hayashi of Ministry of Foreign Affairs diplomatist probationer (probation of the diplomat) dispatched for a Korean investigation photographed in each place. "Was the service of the carriage jinrikisha, coming was very regrettable in Korea", and there was it in the commentary sentence and the means of transportation of the person was Basket or was only a horse.
Then "a Han size iron bridge" to tie Keijo (Seoul) and Inchon to in 1900 only eight years later was crosslinked. In addition, I started construction for the commander prefecture era before the Annexation of Korea (August, 1910), and the Yalu Jiang iron bridge (944.2m in total length, 11m in width) completed in 1911 was the hi-tech iron bridge which concentrated then advanced technology on the turning expression iron bridge where central part turned 90 degrees to enable the navigation of the ship
On August 1, 1894, Korea which streamed in the Japanese side concluded "a Japan-Korea tentativeness combination article" just after a Sino-Japanese War outbreak immediately on August 20 and recognized "the railroad laying right" in Japan. Because the key industry of the early 20th century was railway business and iron industry, Japan laid a track like a mesh of a net for the Korean modernization. Korea yearned for it, too. A locomotive and the passenger car which were more excellent than Japan ran on this occasion by having adopted "a broad gauge" unlike "a narrow gauge" in Japan.

I laid railroads more than total extension distance 5,000km by 1945 when I matched a private railroad with Government General of Korea Railway Bureau. Keijo Station made as symbolic existence was the luxurious appearance that was by no means inferior to Tokyo Station.
Some said that they criticized it, "Japan made it for reasons of the security top against Russia" in Korea, but more than 80% of passengers were Koreans.
The subway was planned, too. The plan is reported in 1939 when Asakusa - Shibuya interval of the Tokyo Metro (existing Tokyo Metro Ginza Line) performed "the whole line opening to traffic".



Father of the Park Geun Hye President was a "United States Armed Forces charity dame" manager!

Father of the Park Geun Hye President was a "United States Armed Forces charity dame" manager!

It is  pile up  with eyes in a question, own crime by a crime for a partner with the highest praise. This is a political posture of Park Geun Hye Korean  President (61). In fact, as for the large-sized newspaper, a fact of the admiration that her father managed "the United States Armed Forces charity dame" was found out although I did not report it. However, why does It can ask.get history recognition in Japan; 】?
Korean Park Geun Hye President
 took "the issue of charity dame" for the leader of all the countries of the world wherever possible and appealed to you for Japanese laxity of morals.
I claimed, "Japan should have right history recognition" toward President Obama by the first visit to the United States after the assumption of office expressly in this May and suggested that I included words of the Japan criticism in joint communique to Chinese Xí JìnpíngPresident more and exposed anti-Japan sentiment when "there was a backward politician to President fan Ron pie EU in Japan" in November.
Were shame I raped you, the fruit not acts to spit at the sky for President Boku taking the opportunity in our country while advocating the claim that was full of downright lies not to be based on a historical fact?
It was exposed based on broad daylight at a place of the Korean Die
n woman family Committee of the Diet held on November 6, a Congresswoman called YUSUNHI(of an opposition party, the Democratic Party stands for the question,
"Have you heard the word "the United States Armed Forces charity dame?"
When I begin so to talk to the CHOYUNSON) Director General of the woman family part,
Across "the level that sex buying and selling of "basis Chimura" is legal, there are testimony and the evidence that a nation led very systematically here"
I spoke と and showed the document which I ordered from the House of national record on the spot.
"The title called "base village purification measures" was attached to it"
It is Correspondent Seoul to comment oN
The sex buying and selling was prohibited i" which was the Anti-Prostitution Law of the place to say in Japan in Korea". However, in the case of the prostitute of the United States Armed Forces partner, I was given an official guarantee in the government. It was written to "basis Chimura" of 62 places of whole country that 9,935 prostitutes lived, and a policy of the outskirts maintenance including the construction of the apartment for exclusive use of their venereal disease measures shop was shown in the document of the 1977 making. It is that it was father of President Boku, Park Chung Hee ) ex-President to sign a document to be a problem above all
It was an ex-President with a dictatorial regime for a long time of 16 years, and father of the incumbent president was the even largest bead of the brothel and the existence that you should say besides. However, in Korea, it is hardly reported the document which YUMember of the Diet showed. Why is it?
"Han-Kyoreh" and "Kyoto volost newspaper" "of left line slightly touched it here". I may be going to send salt to an enemy called Japan, or the largest "Korea daily reports" to play up do not assume that the Japanese prime minister should kneel on the ground to a former charity dame for an article at all. On the other hand, the ruling and opposition parties monolith that it is anti-Japan in the world of the politics. But (same as above) which I arrested you as human rights problem of the women because there were a lot of human rights activist and lady's men in the Democratic Party to belong to of YUMember of the Diet and took this up daringly
Anyway, I come to cannot but look puzzled whether there is a qualification to criticize with a string, our country some other time in the history of the Korean charity dame.
In the first place, before "the United States Armed Forces charity dame," "Korean military charity dame" existed at the time of the Korean War. It was 2002, an international symposium of Ritsumeikan University, and it was found only after Korean money your ball KIMGIOKU) KyongsangnamGuest professor depended. In "the backward history of a war (personnel affairs) that the Korean army headquarters edited in 56," I found a description to support the existence of the military comfort station called "the special consolation corps".
It is uncertain at the setting time, but it is thought that a front is contained in an agglutination state near a current cease-fire line in about the summer of 1951. It is March, 1954 that it was closed down. (abbreviation) the army headquarters is administration したのだ 〉 in military "comfort station" for full nearly four years
According to 〈 ("the backward history of a war") results statistical table, one "charity dame" understands that "consolation" was forced more than six times a day. In addition, in the case of "dispatch consolation," it is thought that 20-30 times of "consolation" a day was forced. (abbreviation) the use of "the consolation corps" in the front was a ticket system. However, a ticket was not distributed to anyone. 〉 which is distributed in turn where I nominated a fight, success for bravely in a battlefield
In brief, it was a comfort station of the military direct control, but when I send a charity dame to the front, I push it into a drum one by one, and it is said that I loaded it onto a truck under the name of "a refill".
The Korean government or Asahi Shimbun are not yet caught in the forcible escort of "the Japanese military charity dame" by the evidence at all from the start although they raise a clamor. It fluttered, and, in the case of "Korean military charity dame," how about?
As a result of hearing investigation professor Kim,
In unmarried women of the 〈 late teens, I lived in the Hamgyŏngpukto
) south way Ryougo (Yong feces) county until the spring of 1951. One day I was abducted by a Korean member of military secret service, so-called north group agents and fell into the military "charity dame" of the Korean military in a day. (abbreviation), as a result of rape, there is the case which came to cannot but become "a charity dame" again. (abbreviation) 〉 where it may be said that the Korea national military "charity dame" system is Sex slavery by the military to the last, and oneself woman was a sex slave
I clarify

Early life and education[edit]

Park was born on 2 February 1952, in Samdeok-dong of Jung-gu, Daegu, as the first child of Park Chung-hee, the 3rd president of South Korea who served between 1963 and 1979, and Yuk Young-soo. She has a younger brother, Park Ji-man, and a younger sister, Park Seoyeong. Park has never been married.

In 1953, her family moved to Seoul and she graduated from Seoul's Jangchung Elementary School and Sungshim (literal: Sacred Heart) Girls' Middle & High School in 1970, going on to receive a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Sogang University in 1974. She also briefly studied at the University of Grenoble, but left France following the death of her mother.

Park received honorary doctoral degrees from the Chinese Culture University, in Taiwan in 1987; Pukyong National University and KAIST in 2008; and Sogang University in 2010.

Park's mother was assassinated in the National Theater of Korea, Seoul, by Mun Se-gwang, a Japanese-born North Korean assassin, and a member of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, under the direction of the North Korean government on 15 August 1974.[5] Park was regarded as first lady until 1979 when her father was also assassinated–by his own intelligence chief, Kim Jae-gyu, on 26 October 1979. During this time, activists who were political opponents of her father, claimed to be subject to arbitrary detention. Further, human rights were considered subordinate to economic development.[6] In 2007 Park expressed regret at the treatment of activists during this period.[7]
























Dream emphasis China of the space great power, the meaning of the Shenzhou 10 launching

China government management Xinhua News Agency was big and, in China, reported the news that manned spacecraft of three pilot boarding, Shenzhou 10 landed at Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on last June 26. The launching success of Shenzhou 10 is noised about as materials emphasizing "the dream of the space great power" for "the Chinese dream" that Xí JìnpíngThe President publishes
About the significance of the launching of Shenzhou 10, result is emphasized as a thing stepping forward to the second step of "3 steps" for the space station construction that China aims at. It does docking (the joining) in 1, Amenomiya where Shenzhou 10 is going around another orbit, and three crew including the woman does lifting to mother's body and 1, Amenomiya of the spaceship where it is and are various things that I tested.
A class from the space by the woman pilot is enforcement in the primary and secondary student of 330 people including the children of a minority race and the migrant worker gathered in the classroom of the junior high school attached to the Chinese People's University. I used it for the political performance for the action to a difficult problem to have in the country.
The dream on space development of China was big, and "one both bullets star" (Hara, a hydrogen bomb and satellite) has been pushed forward for the password with the development of the nuclear missile from the 1950s.
I launched first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V in October, 2003 since Shenzhou 1 was launched in the autumn of 1999 by the Jiuquan satellite discharge center and built the footing of the space large country of the world third place next to the United States and Russia. I let three pilots board Shenzhou 9 and came after process such as joining it to unmanned mother ship, 1, Amenomiya going around different orbit by space orbit from autumn in the last year by the manual operation operation of the pilot last year
I make a clear distinction from the International Space Station business (ISS) by co-funding such as Canada on operating United States and Russia day, and the space station construction of China pushes forward development originally.
I launch uninhabited space lab, 2, Amenomiya for 15 years and do it with the main body of the center and will push forward the design of the T-shaped space stations consisting of five such as a manned spacecraft, an experiment ship, the freight supply ship at the time of the completion in future. Plural pilots stay in the space center for a long term, and, the field of life sciences and medicine in the space, chemistry, raw materials experiment, weather observation of the face of the Earth, the peace use including the resources exploration are expressed more, but the use of monitoring, the reconnaissance of military purposes will be possible at the same time, too.
I may strengthen the United States and friction (friction) depending on making it it, and it will be necessary for the trend to watch it closely a force of the space with the predominance of the armaments in future if space development of China intensifies an aim of the military use


「宇宙強国の夢」強調 中国、神舟10号打ち上げの意味は








