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中国経済に「バブル崩壊」懸念 「影の銀行」は第二のサブプライム?




 「中国シャドーバンキングの闇」(ニューズウイーク日本版2013年8月6日付)や「中国の地方政府、シャドーバンキングで膨らむ債務」(ロイター通信8月 26日付)、「墜ちる中国 世界に伝播する経済危機」(週刊エコノミスト9月17日号)――。このところ、「中国発」金融危機を懸念する報道やレポートを多く目にする。



   すでに信託会社は、中国の金融セクターの資産規模で最大の商業銀行に次ぐ規模を誇る。ロイター通信が、信託商品や理財商品などのデータを収集するリサーチ会社、Use‐Trust Studioから入手した、2012年に行われた総額2340億元(1166件)の信託融資を分析したところ、12年に実施された信託融資の総額3兆元の約8%が「影の銀行」に相当するという。






















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By the captain release of the Sengoku "lie fishing boat collision case to accept of the Democratic Party government" in China

By the captain release of the Sengoku "lie fishing boat collision case to accept of the Democratic Party government" in China

Over the fishing boat collision case that happened off Senkaku Islands (Ishigaki-shi, Okinawa) in September, 2010 in China, I was based on the intention of Prime Minister Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku Naoto Kan (same as above), and it became clear on 24th to have performed political pressure in legal affairs, the prosecution to release a Chinese captain arrested for interference with a government official in the execution of his duties. Sengoku recognized it depending on coverage of the Sankei Shimbun on 23rd.

I explain, "it was prosecution's original judgment" over and over again, and Kan, Sengoku both of them are the form that finally accepted "the lie of the Democratic Party government" in those days
After Sengoku said that there were many opportunities to meet you with then Ono Kotaro legal affairs undersecretary; "talked in various ways". Naturally I stated, I talked about the demand by my political judgment. The Kan Administration had Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (APEC) summit meeting in Yokohama-shi in November of the year, and it admitted that there were instructions to hurry solution from Mr. Kan


There are words to mean "to last human rightsless nine years" to a Korean newly-married woman

There are words to mean "to last human rightsless nine years" to a Korean newly-married woman
As for the optimistic love of the Korean drama which was stuck in the Japanese woman, it is said that "it is a dreamlike thing letting a woman watch it only between a single person" according to a certain Korean man. I report the actual situation of the Korean social androcracy
Convention with Confucianism culture as principle remains in Korea firmly. The wife whom you must never defy to a parent and the elder equal to the superior is a thing to certainly obey a husband. A Korean man (30 generations) of the marriage third year talks.

"It is still “ super “ androcracy society". The example which a chaser (Buddhist memorial service) has good. As for the Buddhist memorial service, there are a lot of houses to sail it up in Korea until three generations ago, and to perform 7-8 times in 4-5 times, many houses in a year.
Women prepare for an offering and cooking in a kitchen and arrange it on a table. I wait on table until a man finishes eating, and the attendance is not permitted. I eat the leftover of the man in the corner of the kitchen while doing washing-up
The different Korean man (20 generations) expresses his sentiment of the scene which there is which I watched at the time of Buddhist memorial service.

When "I participated in a Buddhist memorial service at the age of the teens, there was the relative who just gave birth to the eldest son, but I started the breast in front of the man whom around 20 people were and began the nursing". I mean I was made to do forcibly. The eldest son was considered to be "a treasure" in Korea and it was that it was manners and customs that did so, but was surprised because I did not still know it in those days
iyonmwhich just began newly-married life in Seoul (kana) "is really serious after marry" … … I sigh with ".
I report the event that I call 姑 by all means once a day and looked good with on that day and eat regularly at the parents' house of the husband if it is on the weekend. I have of all the preparations. "Naturally it says the husband to do so" and does not support it. Though I made it by escort and the surprise of the date when I went together, a person seemed to change as soon as I married
Furthermore,iyonm continues it.

"I am it with "three years not to say for three years not to hear it for three years not to look" to express the viewpoint of the newly-married woman in Korea". The meaning that the state without human rights follows for nine years. It is not exaggerated. An extremely general family is so

In late years users of "emergency call (* note) for women" increase, and domestic violence (DV) occupies 42.6% of number of all consultation by the statistics of the announcement in Korea in this June. Such one with many men to use violence on after marriage is the evidence that the human rights of the woman are considered to be contempt.
There is a woman slight in the company. After talking about finding employment with an assistant professor, as for a certain female college student, such words were posed.
"You are not a face" of "the Samsung type". I watched a lot of graduates who succeeded in finding employment until now. There is a face to receive every company and is the thing which which company knows if I watch a face whether you turn
The girl student who it is unknown whether "a Samsung type" is true, but has orthopedic treatment to give a good impression in an interview

Even if I do it until it goes and gain an informal decision, severer reality waits over there. It is rare to be given the place that can show ability, and it is done as the supporting personnel required of the male employee by "the figurehead" of the workplace.
"A sex reception" may be forced. According to the testimony of co-workers, the police are investigating the 26-year-old woman firefighter who they commit suicide by drowning in this May, and committed suicide at the present when sexual intercourse should have been forced at every workplace-affiliated drinking session.
According to the gender equality white paper for 2,013 years when Cabinet Office (Japan) settled it for, the ratio of the Korean woman administrator is only 9.4%. It is predominantly lower than 43% of United States, U.K. 35.7%, France 38.7%. Japan is considerably low with 11.1%, too, but Korea is less than it more.
When, by the investigation into OECD (the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), assumed the average wages of the Korean man 100; the wage of the woman is 61. The difference becomes 39%. This is the worst first place at 2.6 times of an average of 15% of member nations with statistics (2010).
The first-ever woman President is born, and there is the image that greatly accomplished a change, but there is far reality this year to get respect of the global community.
[* note] The report window which is run for 24 hours to protect a woman from DV and a crime. A woman family part consigns it to the NGO and performs business support.




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