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東京都「5133地点」地震危険度マップ “その時”にどう生かす?



















Japanese women who stood up "not to permit the false advertising"

Japanese women who stood up that "the false advertising does not permit" issue of charity dame, Korea a counterattack

By pushing of the South Korean group in the United States, a setting plan of an image and the monument of the charity dame advances in 20 places of United States or more. Forge the history, and, for a reckless action to diminish Japan, common housewives "cannot fall silent as a Japanese woman"; stood up that "Japan was dignified and insisted when we changed it". Representative Yumiko Yamamoto of the network "dianthus action" to join the right history together in the next generation accepted an interview of great high non-Takashi of the journalist. "I keep the reputation of ancient people and cannot permit that I am made to carry a crime on my back by false advertising to the charges of child and grandchildren" (by the Korean side) Yamamoto talked in this way. I was resident in Tokyo, and Yamamoto who was a housewife in her 40s felt the dianthus action two years ago when "the charity dame criticism of the Korea side was strange" and I gathered a setup, comrades and started HP. The main activity is to send protest, a request sentence to the American municipal assembly and hometown media where an image and the monument of a signature (at present approximately 31,000) and the charity dame of "the charity dame vs. day censure resolution" abolition demand approved in the U.S. Lower House in 2007 are going to be installed in through a net. As when "a man protested it, as for Yamamoto, the Korean side protested a behavior of Mayor Toru Hashimoto of Osaka-shi"; "do not torment a woman". I do and it is the second rape unreasonable argument. It is said, the one where a woman protests calmly is effective. Several hundred housewives participate in activity now A charity dame is the wartime prostitute whom there was ever in all the countries of the world, and the evidence of the forcible escort by the Japanese military does not exist. On the contrary, is a newspaper of Seoul of the wartime; "recruit charity dames very much as soon as possible". Some offer advertisements more than monthly income 300 yen are discovered. The salary of the Japanese soldier can tell you to have been considerable high pay at the time of one of around 10 yen. However, the sentence ticked away by an image and a monument becomes more radical while weak-kneed Japanese Government remains silent. To a monument completed in California Glendale City in this July "I was a sex slave of the Japanese military". It is written, the disturbed hairstyle symbolizes that this girl was abducted from the home where I lived in by the Great Japanese Empire forces at choice. 》 which I point out about China system anti-Japan organization "" (association of anti-Japanese movement society) which what "appears on the surface does only a South Korean American and group of entering name of very few" about the organization where U.S., Yoshihisa Komori of the Correspondent honorary member to 《 Sankei Shimbun Washington pushes forward the setting of an image and the monument of the charity dame at paper "latitude longitude" on last month 31 when "the existence of a South Korean organization functioning on United States scale is not felt", and supports a South Korean group entirely from the rear residing in the United States The following sorrowful emails reach Yamamoto from the Japanese housewife living in the United States day after day. "Children learn in an American local school". Naturally only as for the forgery story that I cannot use the textbook considered Japan, and China and Korea insist on. I am ashamed that it is a Japanese and, from the sixth grader who begins to learn the history, seem to think. There is

the harassment of children of middle Korea, too Even if "there is such a thing, "I want you to carry Japan in the future" balance a Japanese school and a hometown school so that a child passes" when "I want you to live in the world". I want you to move so that children can have a pride to be able to do right history education in the Japanese Government. Ten years later, the correspondence that fixed its eyes on 100 years later is expected All the holy activity of the dianthus action is own pockets and it is supported by the enthusiasm of such an email and participant and continues. In contrast, the Korean media is desperate for "E-mail terrorism" "extreme right groups" and label tension, but the spirit mother of Japan is not daunted. Yamamoto says. When "I wait for Japanese Government and a Diet member to move, the false history is just spread on the Korea side superior to in financial power and capacity for organization". Because we act earlier, I want to change the present conditions. In the U.S. media, there is the company which puts our comment on neutral fairness. What an email, FAX, a telephone, the housewife including the letter can simplify, one is all right a month. I think that I change if the number doubles present 10 times, 100 Like popular drama "Naoki Nakazawa," can a history forgery of Korea carry out revenge of "the 100 times ebb" for the anger that I hid to the house of reliable Japanese women


Own neck tightens Japanese marine products entire surface embargo with a proposal anti-day reckless driving in Korea

Own neck tightens Japanese marine products entire surface embargo with a proposal anti-day reckless driving in Korea

Reckless driving over the issue of contaminated water of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant of Korea does not stop. The movement that is going to prohibit marine products from Japan from full-scale import appears without being satisfied without scientific grounds though I prohibited the marine products import from eight prefectures including Fukushima. The Japanese Government calls for calm correspondence and examines the instituting to World Trade Organization (WTO), but the Korean side is forgotten. Where is the medicine to attach to the neighboring country which the reason performed meltdown of for an anti-Japan delusion?
The legislation investigation place that it is a research institute of the Korean Diet to have demanded the measures of the news sensation. I arrived at the following conclusion after having done it when it was the report which I announced on 19th, and "I took the import ban measures for eight prefectures of marine products including Fukushima, but the jitters of the nation were the same as before".
"It is necessary to consider the full-scale import ban in the short term until the trust to marine products from Japan is restored"
According to Korea daily report, a false rumor, "the Japanese Government prohibits the radiation measurement" more than "11 times of Chernobyl scatters the radioactivity spillage of Japan" on the Internet in Korea. When the Cheng ● original (jun phone won) prime minister "acted for the extermination on last month 2 by discovering an act to produce rumors for malice, and punishing it," I directed the relevant ministries and agencies, but have bathed in criticism intense adversely.
On this month 16, I dispatch the director of Fisheries Agency in Korea, and the Japanese side demanded withdrawal when "the measures of the Korea side are the surpluses that are poor in scientific grounds", but cannot demand the judgments that are scientific and rational in "the on the conditions of a country" to respect the false rumor in the net than the instructions of the prime minister.
In the first place the anti-Japan offensive hue that the marine products import ban from eight prefectures attached great importance to safety of the food is strong.

It is 6th that it is this month 9 that the Korean government carried out an import ban, but announced the measures. The Olympic Games site is decided at International Olympic Committee (IOC) general meeting in the summer in 2020 on the morning of 8th of the Japan time; was more likely to be going to interfere with Tokyo Olympic Games invitation just before that.
The 金玄基 (Kim hyongi) Tokyo total chief of the bureau of Joong-ang Daily News is electronic edition on 17 dates; "Korea might be put under all suspicion if Tokyo was rejected". (omission) even if announce it in the morning and the afternoon of 8th, remonstrated about a mother country extremely calmly when there could not be the problem at all, but is pathetic far from taking this because a public institution proposes the full-scale import ban.
The anti-Japan offensive that assumed a false rumor grounds is tightening a neck of oneself Korean.
According to Dong-A-Ilbo, the sales of the mackerel of August from Korea are Korean product hairtail 11.8% decrease by 31.5% decrease from a year earlier in the Korean major supermarket. In contrast, I press the domestic fishery person concerned if 15.8% of mackerels from Norway increase by increase, hairtail 82.8% from Senegal.
The Korean government announced it that cesium was up to 0.00172 becquerels per 1 liter in the investigation that went in a sea area adjacent to Japan in August on this month 12 and called the cause by a calm consumption action for scientific grounds. But I cannot have persuasive power because government oneself Korean ignores the scientific grounds.
It seems to have possibilities to be right said that it is the slapstick drama that is the natural consequences.

Measure the radiation of marine products from Japan in the grocery store; overreaction = Seoul (Reuters)


韓国暴走!日本の水産物全面禁輸を提言 反日で自らの首絞める















対中国で下地島に空自を配備 韓国には仮想敵国として備えよ



















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