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For the first time in [ of the South Korean warship "Dokdo warship" surprise / ? worn-out article ]

The placed amphibious assault ship
which the Tok-do warship was completed in 2007, and was placed on duty. It is 18,000 tons of displacements at approximately 199 meters in total length, overall width approximately 30 meters. It can be equipped with two air-cushion vehicles (Hovercraft) and amphibious armored cars (all made in the United States) such as 16. The self-praise that (Joong-ang Daily News electronic edition) and the economy that it "is made as a transportation warship, but can remodel into the light carrier" at first have good placement on duty continued, but after all there is from Korea. A defect is exposed in sequence.

It became clear that the carried state-of-the-art radar will not be helpful probably in October, 08 about one year after disposition.

It is that to which Grand National Party Senator Kim yon-u (that time) clarified results of an investigation, and the "critical defect" (Senator Kim) that the installation position of a radar is bad, an electric wave reflected in a deck and a ghost (false target) occurred on a monitor was discovered in process of test evaluation.
Although correction was tried over 4 times, it is said that the defect as which some ghosts are displayed did not heal up.

It overthrows an ally by a simple mistake…But "there is no copter" in the "damage zero" reason to be surprised to repeat it

a simple mistake -- a self-army Decrease in power
-- "damage zero" -- the reason for being surprised in piles -- "with no helicopter"


Although it cannot distinguish [ a ghost, a true enemy fighter or missile, or ] and cannot but dress and attack for various "appropriate target" in a battle, an impossible thing will expose even it in three years.

"Owngoal" treacherous as for the cannon in friends

The Tok-do warship carries large-diameter cannon "goal keeper" (product made in Netherlands) of the radar interlocking movement to shoot down the fighter of the enemy and an anti-model missile automatically. It was the expensive gorgeous cannon of 30 millimeters of the power than 20 millimeters of western standard diameters, but the Korea navy government body got a wrong installation position fundamentally.

The local media plural in September, 11 "a fatal defect" (again!) It is revelation that was ton demonstration specifications that rear deck enters the lighting field because the warship center is nearer than the warship of foreign countries and installed a pivotal "goal keeper" of the defense in the position high, besides, according to the place that I reported. In other words it is automatic by deployment copter of an ally parked on a rear deck together with the deck and sweeps with fire if I turn on an interception switch.

Though it is named a goal keeper with expectation, "I all prevent the attack of the enemy", it is a quick change in "owngoal specifications" to make a friend copter a hive if I suffer from Korea

The deployment copter is out of stock for seven years

However, this problem that the neck of the military person in charge seemed to fly was not originally thrown into a great uproar after all. This is because in the first place a Tok-do warship does not have a helicopter to be equipped with.

Though is a marine copter; damage from salt breeze measures…The disposal to drift by a "Tok-do" fire of the paper

The copter which flew in the sea must give high damage from salt breeze measures, but failed without understanding it after domestic production having challenged making it it recklessly. It sounded to have multiplied 500 billion won (at a rate approximately 47 billion yen) by a budget in the main body of Tok-do warship too much and was not able to introduce a product made in foreign country. It is just the decoration including a wide platform if I do not manage a copter.

Only the size is big....
Your showy paddle ... (black joke)

The contents were the Tok-do warships only of a missing part and a defective article, but hulking, it was good, and only the look appeared for the events such as naval reviews as the leading role because I did it. So it is "parade warship" "event support warships" and the disposal made fun of in Korea.

Still I carried the role that should say with "the public relations department which floated" which publicized the Korean military in the memorial days of the military, but had a case of the surprise (surprise) that even such a trifling activity made impossible.

According to the local plural news, a fire occurs from a generation room of "the Tok-do warship" which navigated the Yellow Sea to participate in the commemorative event of the military at about 10:40 a.m. on September 10, last year. One of two generators are burnt, and a turnip breaks down, and, in the case of fire extinguishing, left one engine stops water. A worker tried repair, but I could not restore at all, and the Tok-do warship has begun to drift.

The drifting by the navigation inability has accident Although it occurs occasionally
such as fishing boats, but it is a proper warship to prepare for an unexpected situation and is the proof of, "an officer cannot work at all". If this is fighting, still understand it, but buy what when come with the moving event in the peaceful sea; a wooden bowl. "I cannot navigate it, and a warship cannot be a common country including the drifting" in a time of peace.


The cause "is Korean"

Besides, a basic reason of the drifting seems to be the Korean military quite. I piled up four generators, but I took the wrong operation of the ballast tank to change the posture of the warship five months before a fire, and, as for the Tok-do warship, seawater originally broke inflow, two with the inundation in a warship. With being the thing which sails after usually repairing these two engines, but the navy leaving two engines with the repair shop. I describe a convenient future forecast map "to be all right" in only two remainder and am the Korean style one which I applied which is left to the course.

It is absence in a ceremony on the Inchon landing operation memorial day when the Tok-do warship which it is performed towing (I obtain it and will go) after drifting by other warships after all, and came back to the port in "Donna Donna state" was performed on September 15 just after it. Gaining a victory (it is the United States Armed Forces not the Korean military to have fought) that is biggest by the Korean War…In spite of a memorial day of), it became the dockage for repair without being able to achieve the duty as the  character-like PR warship

Charge account of a piece of luxurious principles

The repair completion was conveyed at the original possibility with this April, but suppose that can trust this; and the repair period more than a half year. In fact, here of the Korean navy and Tok-do warship maximize it, and there is a fatal defect.

It is common sense in country of any place, but warships usually construct at least two warships of the same type 3-4. This is a required condition in use. A dock receives the war vessel for a number regularly once a year for several months and performs maintenance and repair, and it is necessary to replace internal apparatuses with the latest thing.

For example, I organize 1 squadron, and this is because it remains, and one can cross a rotation called the dockage for repair by three warship two that it is equal in performance such as the speed to construct of the same type. I think, "there is virtually no navy because I cannot cast the warship into a strategy while I come into dock" and, not to make any a hole opening in a force, I construct plural same model warships and apply it

It is two ships a self-styled "Asian maximum" more…One ship which one having no money runs aground, and is left is budget 100 million yen

In the case of the Tok-do warship, I am going to construct three warships of the same type at first and I selected horse Luo Island (marado) warship, the third warship as whiteriyonisland (Baengnyeongdo) warship to the name, but I plan the third warship with a budget shortfall and abolish the second warship. As for the second warship, budget 1 billion won (approximately 94,400,000 yen) was finally recognized in last December, but, as for the Tok-do warship, it is with age of a warship approximately 20 years in the late 20s when it makes it a force 20 years later to be completed saying that the budget for more than 650 billion won to be left passed an assembly in future.

By the way, the situation that the position pardon is imminent as for the Tok-do warship when the second warship was done because I retire in the case of a Self-Defense Force ship in 25-30 years. Speaking frankly,which "is not enough

The warship cannot understand basics not to be a thing applying it by one ship, and the charge account that it forms, and ran in one point gorgeousness principles should consider a pose to have appeared for the fires of the generator. The Tok-do warship that there is not the spare with being doubtful whether there is not the copter and cannot trust the radar, and you advance before when it is important. But there is the duty appropriate for the name

Korean President Hatsuyo, Syngman Rhee who set the territorial waters area of the sea that took in Takeshima one-sidedly slaughtered 100,000-200,000 Koreans of the own nation at the time of the Korean War in Bodo League massacre and flee in the face of the enemy at the very beginning with leaving a private citizen for capital soul. The person who I said that I ran away to Japan at last after having escaped to Pusan, and was beaten by MacArthur. It is said that the history repeats itself, but the Tok-do warship may be usable in mother country escape degree of the Korean President party when it was invaded and attacked in earnest next by North Korea. You should choose except Japan.
any place other than Japan in the destination.







































首相、河野談話見直し否定の真意 「強制性」有名無実化への高等戦術か













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報ステ」横断幕問題でなぜか旭日旗取り上げる  だって古舘一郎だもん

 Jリーグ浦和レッズ対サガン鳥栖戦で「JAPANESE ONLY」と書いた差別的な横断幕が掲げられた問題について、2014年3月13日放送の報道ステーション(テレビ朝日系)は番組トップで扱った。



   報道ステーションは横断幕問題の経緯を説明するVTRを流し、ネットに投稿された横断幕の写真を映した。ナレーションは「アルファベットで書かれたJAPANSE ONLY、 『日本人以外、お断り』という意味だ。その奥には旭日旗も見える」と、奥に写りこんだ旭日旗の存在に触れた。




「ねぇ報ステさん、 旭日旗がなんだって?差別って言いたいの?」
「旭日旗と差別幕はまったく違うものだろ! 報道ステーション、いい加減にしろ!!」











日本サッカー代表のユニフォームに「旭日旗」 「FIFAが全世界に発売」と韓国メディア反発















